All Articles: Blog news

Colin is now off on holiday for a fortnight so updates will be even slower than the last fortnight. There are a couple of posts in the pipeline, though, and […]

31st August 2012
BY Free Movement

We at Renaissance are appalled at the witch hunt of Upper Tribunal Judges who have had the audacity to allow a criminal deportation appeal. As those on the coal face […]

17th July 2012
BY Shivani Jegarajah

Free Movement will be on light to non-existent blogging and Tweeting duties for the next fortnight or so owing to the birth on Monday of baby Annabel, sister to Alec. […]

13th June 2012
BY Free Movement

Yet again I missed the blog’s birthday, which was 7 March. Unbelievably (for so, so many reasons) the blog has now been going for over five years. In that time […]

25th April 2012
BY Free Movement

Free Movement entirely retracts the article that was previously published here regarding the Chapti case and apologises to those involved. The comments in the article went considerably beyond fair, were […]

6th February 2012
BY Free Movement

Got a Kindle for Christmas? Wondering what to do with it now you’ve read the first couple of chapters of Great Expectations and then swiftly moved on to some Sherlock Holmes? […]

24th January 2012
BY Free Movement

Regular visitors to the website will have noticed some changes over the Christmas period. A second column has been introduced on the right with Renaissance Chambers and HJT Training information, […]

8th January 2012
BY Free Movement

The blog has been experiencing a few problems over the last few days, for which I apologise. The hosting provider moved the blog to a new server accidentally or some […]

10th December 2011
BY Free Movement

[UPDATE: now done, as you can see!] I have more or less finished building the new website and plan to switch over shortly. Before I do so I thought it […]

27th November 2011
BY Free Movement

There will be some changes coming on Free Movement. This has been absorbing quite a lot of my rather limited time of late, and there are several significant recent cases […]

14th November 2011
BY Free Movement

Passing through immigration control on my return to the UK yesterday, my wife had to restrain me from taking a photograph of one of the notices that appeared on the […]

26th September 2011
BY Free Movement

I’m off on holiday and am delighted to say that I won’t be back for three weeks. I’d hoped to set a couple of posts to pop up automatically while […]

5th September 2011
BY Free Movement

Free Movement has just hit one MILLION, er, hits. As with Dr Evil, that isn’t actually a lot of hits in today’s world, but for a small, specialist legal blog […]

23rd August 2011
BY Free Movement

It is now possible to claim CPD (Continuing Professional Development) points through the blog, in conjunction with HJT Training. The poll a couple of weeks ago suggested that there is a […]

3rd August 2011
BY Free Movement

Free Movement is planning to launch a scheme to allow regular readers who are barristers, solicitors or OISC advisers to claim some CPD hours by reading the blog and then […]

14th July 2011
BY Free Movement

BAILII, the invaluable resource which provides much of the material for this blog, is under threat of closure. It seems that the Ministry of Justice has withdrawn funding, and BAILII […]

17th June 2011
BY Free Movement

It had escaped my attention that Free Movement was four years old on 7 March 2011. The first ever post was published on that day, entitled Overstayers and illegal entrants. […]

7th April 2011
BY Free Movement

Only this morning I was making extensive use of the websites of both the First Tier and Upper Tribunal Immigration and Asylum Chambers. I’ve returned to chambers only to find […]

4th April 2011
BY Free Movement

After a grand total of 50 votes, 74% of which were in favour of the new look, the new look is duly adopted. The four of you who hate the […]

13th February 2011
BY Free Movement

As some may have noticed, I’ve made a few minor changes to the blog in the last few days. I’ve added new pages about instructing the barristers here at Renaissance […]

8th February 2011
BY Free Movement

I gave a short presentation this morning to John Vine, the Chief Inspector of UKBA. I thought I’d share it with you. It lacks a certain something without my narration, […]

18th January 2011
BY Free Movement

Happy New Year to you all. May 2011 usher in a new era of sanity in UK immigration law and practice… WordPress, through whom this blog is hosted, have been […]

4th January 2011
BY Free Movement

I have decided that I will revive Free Movement in some shape or form in the near future, although not quite yet. There is just too much going on at […]

20th November 2010
BY Free Movement

I have taken the surprisingly easy decision to wind down Free Movement. For reasons that continue to escape me and which have never been explained by John O, formerly of […]

4th October 2010
BY Free Movement

It has come to my attention that Google Ads sometimes (or possibly always) show on Free Movement to those not already logged in as WordPress users – i.e. everyone except […]

7th September 2010
BY Free Movement
25th June 2010
BY Free Movement

I’m up late this evening with plenty more work still do to, and like many bloggers (er, all of us, I suspect) will check my blog stats in idle moments. It’s […]

30th April 2010
BY Free Movement

In the really very small world of UK immigration websites, someone has seen fit to set up another one called Free Movement. I’ve tried politely getting in touch but have […]

7th April 2010
BY Free Movement

That’s Twitter for you. Or so I thought… Long term and very observant readers may have noticed a brief and unsuccessful experiment with Twitter some months ago, where I thought […]

3rd March 2010
BY Free Movement

I’ve just visited the Immigration Museum in Melbourne, Australia. It is based in one of the city’s grand buildings, and one which is tied to the subject matter: the old Customs […]

20th January 2010
BY Free Movement

Free Movement is leaving for warmer climes and will return embarrassingly late in January. I hope you all have a good Christmas break, and I hope UKBA doesn’t illegally remove […]

23rd December 2009
BY Free Movement

As you can see, I’ve made some presentational changes to the blog over the weekend. Votes were overwhelmingly in favour of de-orangification! I’m looking for a cleaner and more professional […]

28th November 2009
BY Free Movement

I’ve made a few slight changes to the blog I thought I ought to explain. The UKBA press department has gone mad in recent months and produces so much garbage […]

25th November 2009
BY Free Movement

Enough is enough. I’ve deleted the earlier Cambridge College of Learning posts and comments because I am concerned that this website was being used by various groups of alleged ex-CCL […]

24th November 2009
BY Free Movement

I’m going to be away for a while and will begin posting again at the beginning of September. In the meantime, I hope you all have a good summer!

8th August 2009
BY Free Movement

Following a comment on the comments system, I thought I better do a quick update. Firstly, I’ve been very busy recently and as a result have not been posting as […]

3rd March 2009
BY Free Movement

But lacks the energy to write anything intelligent. Par for the course, some might claim. I have however been deleting the many comments I now unfortunately receive asking for legal advice. Inevitable, […]

19th January 2009
BY Free Movement

After a long day in court fighting a losing battle and with plenty of work still to do before Christmas, Free Movement is signing off until well into the New […]

22nd December 2008
BY Free Movement

There are still quite a few people coming across this blog by searching for news about ‘Legacy’ cases. See previous posts on this if you are new to the subject. […]

3rd November 2008
BY Free Movement

I’ve decided to make a few changes to the blog, which I hope are improvements. Comments from regular readers most welcome. Incidentally, I checked Feedburner recently and was surprised to […]

22nd September 2008
BY Free Movement
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