- BY Free Movement

Happy Fifth Birthday!
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Yet again I missed the blog’s birthday, which was 7 March. Unbelievably (for so, so many reasons) the blog has now been going for over five years. In that time it has clocked up roughly 1,346,037 hits, 521 posts and 2,608 comments between the old wordpress.com site and the newer self hosted site.
When I think about the long, boring hours I have whiled away on writing long, boring posts on immigration law, fiddling around with cursed Yahoo Pipes, trying to work out why the blinking email subscription or blasted site feed was broken and so forth my eyes water with… er… nostalgia. Long time readers may also go a little misty eyed, for whatever reason, as they look through what I am going to call somewhat euphemistically the ‘design evolution’ of the site from 2007 onwards as it has morphed into its current incarnation (brought to you courtesy of the Wayback Machine):
Two columns, three columns, variations on three columns, fixed width, variable width, image header, blue, orange, images, no images, the blog has seen a lot of change in the last five years.
I think the current format should do for some time to come, though.

11 responses
A belated happy birthday, Freemovement.
From one (of many) followers.
I have learnt so much from this site. To sacrifice your time out of your busy schedule to edit this blog is amazing. Keep it up!
I agree fully.
Congratulations FM!
“writing long, boring posts on immigration law”
I know it’s not an everyday hobby, but for those interested in immigration law including me as a non-practitioner, your posts are not at all boring, they are very interesting and help to understand the rules and court decisions. A great resource for all.
And what about the time you threw your toys out of your pram and attempted Internet ‘hari kiri’ all because a bearded morning star reader copied your brand? Ah memories …:-)
wow so long FM…or does it seem longer? very enjoyable and informative read..long may you continue,happy birthday and many thanks. :)
Perhaps time for some new stats!
With the switch from WordPress, your Google pagerank has slipped slightly, but is still a more-than-creditable 4/10.
At the time of writing, you are the 960,428th most-visited site in the world, and the 77,925th in the UK:-
Happy belated birthday!
The last time I posted a comment here was to join the other numerous calls for you to rethink your decision to close down the blog. I am therefore very glad to be able to wish FM a very happy 5th birthday!
Thanks for all your hard work over the last 5 years. It is very much appreciated.
….an embarrassing disinterest in immigration law ameliorated by Freemovement’s incisive – no nonsense – analysis. An indispensable source for the busy practitioner.
Looking great in the current format, Happy Birthday :-)
Happy belated birthday! Live long and prosper.
Happy Birthday! Keep up the good work with the “long, boring posts” – nothing wrong with a bit of reflection in a 140 character world…