- BY Free Movement

BAILII fundraising
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BAILII, the invaluable resource which provides much of the material for this blog, is under threat of closure. It seems that the Ministry of Justice has withdrawn funding, and BAILII are seeking replacement commitments from solicitors firms and barristers chambers. Some professional associations have also committed funds.
I have sought to persuade my own chambers, Renaissance Chambers, to contribute, and would suggest that anyone who finds this blog and/or BAILII to be useful gets their firm or chambers to chip in. Information about donating can be found here. A list of major donors can be found here. There are few solicitors firms on the list and the contributions from some prominent ‘human rights’ chambers are rather meagre so far. BAILII is the only publicly available source of court and tribunal judgments, and its disappearance would be a massive blow to public understanding of and access to the law.
Some legal bloggers are pledging part of their advertising income. This blog only consumes money (not a lot, thankfully), it certainly does not generate it.
That is likely to be it from Free Movement for a week or so as I am off to sunnier climes.

3 responses
How ridiculous that 2 Garden Court puts more money into Bailli than Clifford Chance and Allen and Overy.
We are a small volunteer charity in South Wales, Asylum Justice, which effectively operates as a volunteer-legal firm, without any paid staff at all – either lawyers or administrators – we receive no Government funding, and struggle to meet the most basic costs by voluntary donations – we provide representation and advice for those abandoned by “Merits Test” reasoning – it is shattering news that BAILII is under threat – for our lawyers, struggling to operate on a shoestring (our average annual cost per client is less that £25) – we are without any salary or rental costs – our work would be impoverished without BAILII – I cannot really believe that its service might be lost – please keep us in the picture