- BY Free Movement

Change of website address
Older content is locked

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I have more or less finished building the new website and plan to switch over shortly. Before I do so I thought it might be helpful for readers to check it out and get back to me with any comments or suggestions and also to test out the new site. I am a little concerned that pages seem to load slowly, for example.
The new address is www.freemovement.org.uk.
All of the posts and I think all or most of the comments have been moved across already. In terms of presentation you will see that I have made fairly slight changes. I hope you like the new look. It probably isn’t permanent, however. I may well change to three columns and post excerpts in due course – it makes the blog a bit more cluttered and involves an extra click to read full content, but there are various reasons for going down this road in the long term.
When I complete the switch over I will put a redirect on the current website, so if you do continue to check in here you will be redirected here automatically. However, if you have bookmarked anything other than the home page then I’m afraid I doubt such links will continue to work.
There will be further changes ahead after the switchover and I hope to add some additional functions and pages to the website in future. I’ve so far just added a fancy archives page. I hope to add a resources page soon with helpful links. I don’t have a great deal of time on my hands, so changes will probably be pretty gradual!

10 responses
One would assume that those of us who follow via RSS should update to the new feed (https://freemovement.org.uk/?feed=rss2), or will the old feed continue to work?
Thanks for the great blog.
Hold off on updating to the new feed, I may be having some teething troubles and I’m only updating the .com site at the moment. The WordPress visual editor has gone haywire on the .org.uk site which is a real pain.
I don’t like the font on the new website very much (it’s too big and there is too much space) but I suppose I’ll get used to it.
The page loads slowly for me as well: I tried both the home page and a specific post.
On a more lighthearted note, I see the number of birds on your header has increased: now you have a whole flock. Let’s hope that more and more people will enjoy their right to free movement as well.
Interesting to hear about the font, thank you. This may be further confirmation that I need glasses! I might be setting things so they look reasonable to me on my home computer, which isn’t necessarily representative usage. I’ll ask around and see if others agree too.
Regarding the flock, I couldn’t agree more!
You can use wordpress plug-ins to speed up page load times. We use Super Cache: http://ocaoimh.ie/wp-super-cache/
Another plug-in we use that you might like is WP to Twitter
Also, you might want to use the site re-direct service, at $12 a year, for at least the first year of the new site. That way, if someone clicks a link on the old wordpress-hosted blog (through their old bookmark, or through finding it on google) they will be taken automatically to the new site. http://en.support.wordpress.com/site-redirect/
Many thanks. I’m already using a caching plug in, or at least I think I am, and I’m also using Cloudflare, which is supposed to speed things up considerably, but the response times still seem slow to me.
I’ll definitely use the redirect.
I miss the “Home” link at the top.
After veiwing comments, I used the Home link to exit back to the front page. Is there another method?
If you click the header it takes you back to the home page, I think – is this ok as an alternative? Am very interested in any feedback.
Its OK, but currently not obvious to new visitors to the site.
Mr T – clicking the banner / header of almost any website will take you to the home page. That’s the 1st place new visitors would try to get back to the home page!