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Substantial rises are set for most immigration fees on 1 October 2010, on the basis of the laughable justification that UKBA ‘want to ensure that we can offer a good […]

9th September 2010
BY Free Movement

It has come to my attention that Google Ads sometimes (or possibly always) show on Free Movement to those not already logged in as WordPress users – i.e. everyone except […]

7th September 2010
BY Free Movement

The tragic demise of Refugee and Migrant Justice, formerly known as the Refugee Legal Centre, leaves a gaping and unfillable void in the immigration sector. With its higher than average […]

7th September 2010
BY Free Movement

The tribunal has allowed two appeals on the basis that Pankina does not only apply to the three month rule and that all an applicant need do is comply with […]

6th September 2010
BY Free Movement

I am back from my very pleasant holidays and thought I would kick off what feels like a new season with some juicy gossip. Many lawyers in the sector will […]

6th September 2010
BY Free Movement

UKBA has laid Statement of Changes CM7929 to give effect (or, at least, limited effect) to the judgment of the Supreme Court in ZO (Somalia) [2010] UKSC 36. This was […]

23rd August 2010
BY Free Movement

Following Pankina, UKBA laid Statement of Changes HC 382, different parts of which came into effect on 23 July and 12 August 2010. The main changes were to incorporate into […]

23rd August 2010
BY Free Movement

I still use this blog as my own personal note book of developments I might well want to look up later. I’m currently updating and re-writing the HJT Immigration Manual […]

23rd August 2010
BY Free Movement

Anyone with recent experience of applying for settlement may wish to help UKBA by completing a feedback form, available here.

17th August 2010
BY Free Movement

Yet more good news, this time for children and their parents. In LD (Article 8 best interests of child) Zimbabwe [2010] UKUT 278 (IAC) the President of the Immigration and […]

12th August 2010
BY Free Movement

Some tremendously good news for many refugees: in the new case of FH (Post-flight spouses) Iran [2010] UKUT 275 (IAC) the tribunal has found that Article 8 appeals by the […]

11th August 2010
BY Free Movement

Plainly the ratio of HJ is not limited just to sexual orientation cases but will apply to all grounds covered by the Convention. I thought it might be interesting to […]

30th July 2010
BY Free Movement

I’ve been silent on this so far for fear of losing my rag. There is much distress still, and criticism of the administrators seems to be growing. Alan George and […]

30th July 2010
BY Free Movement

R (on the application of Medical Justice) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2010] EWHC 1925 (Admin) should be a wake up call to civil servants at UKBA […]

30th July 2010
BY Free Movement

An unpublished UKBA internal investigation has rejected the complaints made by Louise Perrett about the Cardiff asylum team. A summary has been made available. The existence of the ‘grant monkey’ was […]

29th July 2010
BY Free Movement

The Home Office has announced that Certificates of Approval will be scrapped in late 2010 or early 2011. This is a belated implementation of the House of Lords judgment in […]

29th July 2010
BY Free Movement

The Home Office appeal to the Supreme Court in ZO (Somalia) [2010] UKSC 36 has been dismissed. This confirms that in cases where a fresh asylum claim has been made and […]

28th July 2010
BY Free Movement

The concisely monikered Chief Inspector of the UK Border Agency yesterday published two very critical reports on UKBA operations. One was on the visa operation in Pakistan and the other […]

28th July 2010
BY Free Movement

I can’t keep up! If things ever quieten down I’ll do a few more weighty analysis posts but in the meantime these alerter ones must suffice. Firstly, the Medical Justice […]

27th July 2010
BY Free Movement

The Government has laid a new Statement of Changes (HC 382) that incorporates the parts of the Points Based System policy guidance ruled unlawful in the Pankina and English UK […]

23rd July 2010
BY Free Movement

The Points Based System test case, Pankina, is not being appealed by UKBA. This has been confirmed by Treasury Solicitors. Interim guidance has apparently been issued to UKBA caseworkers. More […]

21st July 2010
BY Free Movement

The related House of Lords decisions of June 2008 (Beoku-Betts, Chikwamba and EB (Kosovo)) should have brought about a sea change in the approach of the Home Office and the […]

15th July 2010
BY Free Movement

I’ve been so busy I forgot to post a link to this recent piece on The Guardian’s Comment Is Free site. I have an excuse to mention that now because […]

14th July 2010
BY Free Movement

The Court of Appeal has adopted a helpfully limited approach to the meaning of ‘false representation’ in Immigration Rules 320(7A) and 322(1A), restricting it to cases of deliberate falsehood rather […]

13th July 2010
BY Free Movement

HJ (Iran) and HT (Cameroon) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2010] UKSC 31 represents a fundamental change in UK asylum law. The previous settlement, established by the […]

12th July 2010
BY Free Movement

Firstly, I am well aware that this blog is seriously behind with a lot of the developments that have taken place in the last fortnight. And a lot has happened. I’ve […]

10th July 2010
BY Free Movement

UPDATE: see proper post here with analysis. Sorry for the headline, which is in fact an accurate description of what has happened. Although from the half of the judgment I’ve […]

7th July 2010
BY Free Movement
25th June 2010
BY Free Movement

The appeal against the Home Office interpretation of the Points Based System has succeeded in the Court of Appeal. Regular readers may remember I went along to and reported on […]

23rd June 2010
BY Free Movement

The union at RMJ is organising a demonstration outside the Ministry of Justice tomorrow. See you there? It is ages since I’ve been to a demonstration. I think the last […]

17th June 2010
BY Free Movement

Refugee and Migrant Justice, formerly known as the Refugee Legal Centre, has gone into administration today. As a lawyer specialising in immigration and family work I have no idea what […]

15th June 2010
BY Free Movement

The new Government is making it a requirement that all spouses coming to the UK will need to know a minimum level of English. That wasn’t in the coalition immigration […]

8th June 2010
BY Free Movement

I re-Tweeted this a few days ago but thought it was worth highlighting for those who (arguably sensibly) do not follow the Free Movement Twitter account. The Times reported a […]

8th June 2010
BY Free Movement

UPDATE: challenge successful. Penningtons have dropped me a line with some interesting information about a challenge to the new English language requirements for foreign Tier 4 students. The challenge is […]

3rd June 2010
BY Free Movement

[UPDATE: read about result here] I dropped into court this afternoon to see how the PBS challenge was going. Unfortunately I missed what sounds like a masterclass in the morning […]

25th May 2010
BY Free Movement

Attorney General Trstenjak has given his opinion in the Lassal case (referred to the ECJ by the Court of Appeal) and has concluded that five years of residence under previous […]

25th May 2010
BY Free Movement

No-notice removals have been suspended following a legal challenge brought by Medical Justice. The no-notice policy has been covered here previously and was the subject of a damning judgment by Mr Justice […]

23rd May 2010
BY Free Movement

The more detailed coalition government programme is now available. The immigration section doesn’t look too bad so far but is, inevitably in a general purpose document of this nature, very […]

20th May 2010
BY Free Movement

This bit of BBC research will come as no surprise to anyone who has attempted to use a UKBA helpline. The waiting time for a phone call to the UK […]

13th May 2010
BY Free Movement

A sign of things to come: Following the UK general election on 6 May 2010, the UK Border Agency website has undergone some changes. All news stories published before April […]

13th May 2010
BY Free Movement
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