OISC online tutored course feedback

We’d be very grateful if you could complete the form below.

Online tutored course feedback

You do not need to complete any of these questions but we are grateful for any feedback you provide. If you would prefer to email us at editor@freemovement.org.uk then please do so.

You do not need to complete this field
You do not need to complete this field
Pre-reading time
Did you have enough time to complete the pre-reading before each course?

Length of each training session
Is the length of the training sessions
Use of slides
How do you feel about the use of slides during the training sessions?
How do you find the tutor's presentation style? Please add a number below (1 is bad, 10 is good)
Please enter a number from 1 to 10.
Do you have any constructive feedback for the tutor, to help us improve the course?
Do you have any other comments you would like to feed back to us about the course?
I consent to my name and feedback on this course being used by Free Movement to advertise the course in the future.

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