Author: Jennifer Blair

Picture of Jennifer Blair

Jennifer Blair

Jennifer Blair is a barrister at No5 Chambers.

The Ukraine Extension Scheme is one of the three visa schemes set up for people displaced by the Russian invasion of Ukraine (alongside the Homes for Ukraine and Ukraine Family […]

19th October 2022
BY Jennifer Blair

It has been six months since the UK announced its initial response to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, allowing those affected by the outbreak of conflict to arrive or remain […]

10th October 2022
BY Jennifer Blair

There is no hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, and British and Irish citizens are able to cross the land border freely. Section 11(4) of the […]

8th April 2022
BY Jennifer Blair

The Home Office has published a new policy on Medical evidence in asylum claims. For years there had been policy on medico-legal reports from the Helen Bamber Foundation and Freedom […]

19th August 2021
BY Jennifer Blair

People in immigration detention can make an application for Secretary of State bail directly to the Home Office. The Home Office has the same powers as the immigration tribunal to […]

2nd September 2019
BY Jennifer Blair
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