All Articles: Nationality

Is Edward Snowden stateless?

I can keep this fairly short: ‘no’. In his Wikileaks statement Edward Snowden says that the US government “has unilaterally revoked my passport, leaving me

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The Home Office has quietly tightened up the criteria for granting British citizenship under the good character test. This had passed me by so I thought it useful to flag up – and many thanks to Alex Moran for point it out. A number of undesirable behaviours have been added...

8th January 2015
BY Colin Yeo

Many practitioners are concerned about the increasing use of draconian powers to deprive people of their citizenship and the related ‘evil of statelessness’ (which is the subject of the UNCHR’s latest campaign.) Last week, a 7-member Supreme Court panel heard the latest round of arguments on these issues in the...

26th November 2014
BY Pippa Woodrow

The Supreme Court will today hear a case, Secretary of State for the Home Department (Respondent) v B2 (Appellant), concerning the definition of statelessness in international law and in which the Secretary of State’s power under section 40 (2) of the British Nationality Act 1981 to deprive a naturalised British...

18th November 2014
BY Grace Brown

Coming back from my break and looking through various updates, I was struck by a series of articles on citizenship and nationality laws in the event of Scottish independence following the vote this Thursday. Some of these seem to me fundamentally to misunderstand the independence process as it is likely...

15th September 2014
BY Colin Yeo

This post is a brief summary of the removals and nationality provisions of the Immigration Act 2014, and is accompanied by an audio extract from a seminar given by Colin Yeo, Sadat Sayeed, Mark Symes and I at Garden Court Chambers on 13 August 2014, at which I spoke on...

18th August 2014
BY Bijan Hoshi

In the case of R (on the application of FI) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2014] EWHC 2287 (Admin) the court was asked to review a decision to refuse to register as a British citizen a 14-year-old who had been settled with Indefinite Leave to Enter the...

14th July 2014
BY Amanda Weston

Born just before the revolution in 1978, a man known only as DA grew up an orphan in Iran. He understood that his father had been tortured for his political beliefs and he was raised by his older siblings. When the time came for his compulsory military service, he was...

29th May 2014
BY Colin Yeo

In Hiri v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2014] EWHC 254 (Admin) the Administrative Court found for the Claimant in an application for Judicial Review of the Secretary of State’s decision to refuse naturalisation on grounds of ‘good character’. The judgment provides useful judicial comment as to how...

4th March 2014
BY Raza Halim

"Citizenship is a privilege not a right." So say both Judge Dredd and Immigration Minister Mark Harper. As has been pointed out, the UK government is now literally getting its immigration policy from Judge Dredd.

1st February 2014
BY Colin Yeo

Only yesterday, the day before the debate on the third reading of her Immigration Bill, the Home Secretary published a proposed amendment to the Bill whereby she will be able to deprive a person of British citizenship acquired by naturalisation even if by doing so she will render the person...

30th January 2014
BY Ronan Toal

The judgment in Secretary of State for the Home Department v Al-Jedda [2013] UKSC 62 was handed down this month. It is the latest in a series of higher court decisions on the issue of deprivation of citizenship and the first to reach the Supreme Court. Many immigration practitioners are...

25th October 2013
BY Richard Reynolds

I can keep this fairly short: ‘no’. In his Wikileaks statement Edward Snowden says that the US government “has unilaterally revoked my passport, leaving me a stateless person” This is a common misconception. A passport is evidence of nationality, but it does not confer nationality. All states have laws that...

2nd July 2013
BY Colin Yeo

The Court of Appeal (CA) has in the case of B2 v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2013] EWCA Civ 616 (24 May 2013) allowed the Home Secretary (SSHD) to deprive a British-Vietnamese dual national of British citizenship following his alleged involvement in terrorism related activities. The case,...

7th June 2013
BY Nikesh Pandit
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