All Articles: Events, products and reviews

RMJ demo at MoJ

The union at RMJ is organising a demonstration outside the Ministry of Justice tomorrow. See you there? It is ages since I’ve been to a

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Driven From Home

I have received the following email and I’m happy to bring it to the attention of readers: I am writing to alert you the recent

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Free Movement has been asked to highlight the I ? MIGRANTS campaign and upcoming launch event and is very happy to do so. The campaign

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I’ve been to a couple of AGMs in the last couple of weeks — Hammersmith and Fulham Community Law Centre and the Immigration Law Practitioners

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Silver ILPA

On Thursday the Immigration Law Practitioners Association celebrated its 25th anniversary, just down the corridor of power from the Westminster committee room where the first

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The Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture (shortly to become Freedom From Torture, is launching a very interesting sounding new report entitled Body of evidence: treatment of medico-legal reports for survivors of torture in the UK asylum system. The launch event is on 24 May 2011 at...

12th May 2011
BY Free Movement

I’ve been asked to give a mention to the Migration Museum Project and am delighted to do so. I enjoyed my visit to the Museum of Immigration in Melbourne and the 19 Princelet Street project in Spitalfields is excellent but can necessarily only open a few times per year because...

7th May 2011
BY Free Movement

The team behind the iLegal legislation app for iPhones and iPads has been kind enough to provide me with a review copy and I’ve had it running for nearly a week now. It is simple but effective little app that in essence provides an offline version of the revised Acts...

13th March 2011
BY Free Movement

The union at RMJ is organising a demonstration outside the Ministry of Justice tomorrow. See you there? It is ages since I’ve been to a demonstration. I think the last one may have been at Campsfield when I was a student. Demonstrate Against Likely Closure of Refugee and Migrant Justice...

17th June 2010
BY Free Movement

I have received the following email and I’m happy to bring it to the attention of readers: I am writing to alert you the recent publication of Driven from Home: Protecting the Rights of Forced Migrants by David Hollenbach, SJ, a book that may be of interest to readers of...

30th April 2010
BY Free Movement

Free Movement has been asked to highlight the I ? MIGRANTS campaign and upcoming launch event and is very happy to do so. The campaign is run by JCWI and the launch event is at the Foundry Club in Old Street, East London on Thursday, April 29. I quote: We...

15th April 2010
BY Free Movement

I’ve been to a couple of AGMs in the last couple of weeks — Hammersmith and Fulham Community Law Centre and the Immigration Law Practitioners Association — and have learned all sorts of interesting things. Only some of which I will share! The most prominent speakers at the first of...

24th November 2009
BY Free Movement

On Thursday the Immigration Law Practitioners Association celebrated its 25th anniversary, just down the corridor of power from the Westminster committee room where the first meeting was held on 9th July 1984. The current Director, Alison Harvey, did a marvellous job tracking down and inviting various historic figures and quite...

11th July 2009
BY Free Movement

I noticed in the policy feed in the left panel on this blog that there was an item about the International Association of Refugee Law Judges (IARLJ). I clicked through and found some interesting papers have just been posted on their website from a conference in January 2009. I don’t...

14th March 2009
BY Free Movement

I’ve just been looking at the Transpondia website. I first came across it a few months ago when they posted a link to Free Movement, but the site seemed a lot smaller then. There is now (maybe there was then and I just didn’t see it) a mass of helpful...

17th September 2008
BY Free Movement

I went to a debate and discussion at the Royal Society of Arts on Tuesday and it proved interesting. The politicians, John Denham, Jon Cruddas and Barbara Roche, all Labour, were fairly predictable and followed the normal approach of politicians everywhere: there’s a problem and action must be taken by...

9th March 2007
BY Free Movement
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