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Upper Tribunal recruitment roadshows
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The Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) anticipates recruiting for fee-paid and salaried Upper Tribunal Judges in the relatively near future, including opportunities for fractional salaried working.
With that in mind, a number of ‘recruitment roadshows’ have been organised around the country for those who might be interested:
Time: 4.30pm
- 15th May 2023, Glasgow – Glasgow Tribunals Centre, 3 Atlantic Quay, 20 York Street, Glasgow, G2 8GT
- 22nd May 2023, London – Field House, 15-25 Breams Buildings, London EC4A 2DY, AND ONLINE
- 24th May 2023, Cardiff – The Law Society, Wales Office, 18th Floor, Capital Tower, Greyfriars Road, CF10 3AG
- 30th May 2023, Manchester – Manchester Civil Justice Centre, 6th Floor Events Suite, 1 Bridge Street West, Manchester M60 9DJ
The events will provide an opportunity to learn more about the role of an Upper Tribunal Judge, the work that done in the Upper Tribunal and hints and tips about the application process. If you attend in person there will also be an opportunity to speak to existing judges more informally over refreshments. A member of the Judicial Appointments Commission will be participating.
Interest is welcomed from excellent potential candidates from all backgrounds and circumstances, including those who might not have thought of applying. If you are interested in attending, send your details to UTIACrecruitment@justice.gov.uk not later than seven days before your preferred event and remember to indicate the location of the event you would like to attend.
If you want to attend the online event, which will be held from Field House, please ensure you provide an email to which a Teams invitation can be sent. Please assume that once you have sent your preference, your name will be added to the attendee list and there will be no further confirmation email, unless any arrangements change.