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Rights of Entry and Residence By Steve Peers, University of Essex, 17 May 2016 Introduction The free movement of EU citizens to the UK (and vice versa) is a key feature of the UK’s EU membership. However, it is too simple to describe this as a ‘loss of control of...

31st May 2016

Two children in the Calais camp applied to join their mother in the UK, who had been recognised as a refugee in 2010. There were both from the Yezidi minority in Iraq. She had not mentioned her children when she applied for asylum and the Home Office refused to accept...

30th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

Free movement of persons and the single market By Catherine Barnard, Trinity College, Cambridge 10 May 2016; Case studies 1, 3 and 4 provided by Laura Devine Solicitors Introduction This note considers the centrality of migration to the EU’s single market. It also considers the relevant EU Treaty provisions and...

30th May 2016

Sovereignty and legitimacy: the UK and the EU By Adrian Berry, barrister, Garden Court Chambers and Rowena Moffatt, barrister, Doughty Street Chambers, 29 April 2016 Introduction The relationship between the UK and the EU raises issues about the UK as a sovereign power, and as to the legitimacy of the...

27th May 2016

The extension application of a Tier 2 skilled worker whose annual salary was found to be £22.15 per year short of the specified requirement was refused. The First-tier and Upper Tribunal allowed her appeal on the basis that the shortfall was so small it should be disregarded under the de...

27th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

The Immigration Act 2014 removed rights of appeal to an independent judge against refusal of many immigration decisions, replacing appeals with a system of internal review within the Home Office. It is called Administrative Review. The Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration, David Bolt, has just published a report into how...

26th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

These Regulations bring into force specified provisions of the Immigration Act 2016. Regulation 2 lists the provisions which come into force on 31st May 2016 and regulation 3 lists the provisions which come into force on 12th July 2016. The new criminal offence of illegal working comes into force on...

26th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

In the ensuing dialogue, Committee Experts expressed concern about the possible repeal of the 1998 Human Rights Act as it was feared that the new Bill of Rights would weaken the protection of children’s rights. Experts were very worried about the increase in child poverty, which was up two per...

26th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

In the first judgment of its kind since the suspension of the Detained Fast Track on 2 July 2015, the High Court struck down the Home Secretary’s refusal and certification of an asylum claim which was made in the structurally unfair and unjust Detained Fast Track (DFT) and ordered the...

25th May 2016
BY Shu Shin Luh

I said during the course of the hearing words to the effect that the Claimant is not a particularly worthy, likeable or sympathetic individual, and that there must be at least a risk that any award of damages would not be put to good use. I do not withdraw those...

25th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

Not in the foreseeable future, suggests Jerome Phelps of Detention Action over at openDemocracy. The Home Office had proposed new fast track procedure rules but have been politely rebuffed by the Tribunal Procedure Committee: The political pressure on the TPC must have been intense. Ministers have repeatedly made clear the...

24th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

What were Harmondsworth and Colnbrook Detention Centres have been brought under the same management, and are now called Heathrow Immigration Removal Centres. Nonetheless, as the Independent Monitoring Board’s report shows, detention centres by another name still have their same old problems. The Board’s recommendations focus on treatment of vulnerable people,...

23rd May 2016
BY Free Movement

The President of the Upper Tribunal, Mr Justice McCloskey, has allowed on human rights grounds the appeal of the mother and brother of a refugee child from Eritrea. The mother and brother were the appellants and the child in the UK was the sponsor. The appellants had fled Eritrea after...

20th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

The Court of Appeal has found that the Exceptional Case Funding regime for legal aid is lawful, overturning the decision of Collins J in the High Court ([2015] EWHC Admin 1965). The issues are distinct to R (on the application of Gudanaviciene & Ors) v The Director of Legal Aid...

20th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

New to me at any rate: Form to request for your submitted postal visa application to be transferred to our premium service. Source: Premium visa upgrade request form – Publications – GOV.UK

20th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

The challenge by organisation Britcits to the virtual prohibition on the entry of adult dependant relatives introduced in 2012 has been dismissed: R (on the application of Britcits) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2016] EWHC 956 (Admin). Despite the disappointing outcome, though, there is a distinct silver...

20th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

Upper Tribunal Judge Ockelton has drawn attention to the potential issues surrounding the evisceration of the tribunal’s statutory remit by the Immigration Act 2014 in a new reported decision, Katsonga v Secretary Of State For The Home Department (“Slip Rule” : FtT’s general powers : Zimbabwe) [2016] UKUT 2298 (IAC)....

19th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

Interesting and controversial case on X-rays and age assessment from the Court of Appeal: London Borough of Croydon v Y [2016] EWCA Civ 398 (26 April 2016). Essentially, the Court holds that the claimant would have to agree to an age assessment by means of a dental X-ray in order...

18th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

The Court of Appeal has held that the removal of married lesbians to India would not be a flagrant violation of their family life. Paragraph 7 sums up the issues: The FTT found that the appellants would continue to live together as a couple in India and could not be...

18th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

A new Detention Services Order 04/2016 about internet access for detainees has just been published. This is the first time the Home Office has set central guidelines on internet access for immigration detainees. The Order makes clear that all detainee internet usage is monitored and centrally recorded. The Order states that detainees...

17th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

The issue of costs in immigration cases continues to vex the courts. It is supposed to be unusual for the higher courts to have to deal with costs issues but in recent years we have seen some very low quality and controversial costs decisions at first instance in the Administrative...

17th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

I’m not sure it was very wise to start this petition given how few people have signed it (1,254 at the time of writing). But we are where we are, so if you have not signed yet please do. The proposed increases are staggering. They would make the immigration tribunal...

16th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

Presidential guidance on amending claims for judicial review: (i) The amendment of a judicial review claim form preceding the lodgement of the Acknowledgement of Service does not require the permission of the Tribunal. Such permission is required in all other instances. (ii) In deciding whether to exercise its discretionary power...

16th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

“Technical”, “deeply unattractive”, “disingenuous”, “singularly lacks merit”, “ridiculous”, “inappropriate”, “extraordinary”. All words used by Elias or Vos LLJ to describe the arguments advanced by the Home Office in the course of their judgments in the remarkable case of R (On the Application Of Ufot) v Secretary of State for the...

16th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

President McCloskey has firmly rejected the Home Office case against students alleged to have fraudulently obtained English language test certificate from ETS (“Educational Testing Services Ltd”) in the case of SM and Ihsan Qadir v Secretary of State for the Home Department IA/31380/2014. The President finds that the Home Office...

13th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

In yet another case highlighting the absurdly hostile, bureaucratic and inflexible nature of the UK’s Points Based System the Court of Appeal has held that a Tier 1 Entrepreneur might benefit from a policy on evidential flexibility that was “much broader” than the rules themselves. The case is SH (Pakistan)...

11th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

Former interpreters for UK armed forces in Afghanistan have lost their claim that the Afghn interpreter relocation scheme was unlawful on the basis it was less generous than the Iraqi equivalent. They succeeded on the basis that the public sector equality duty had not been properly complied with but this...

10th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

A new Detention Services Order, DSO 03/2016, has been issued by the Home Office. The name is innocuous — Considering detainee placement — but we can hope that it will have a significant impact because what it really requires is a proper risk assessment before a person is accepted into...

9th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

The excellent AIRE Centre are fundraising for a challenge to Operation Nexus, the joint Met Police and Home Office initiative that allows people to be deported from the UK without any convictions. It is not just foreign nationals that are being targeted but also EEA nationals. We’ve covered Operation Nexus...

9th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

Hot on the heels of a new consultation on the duty of candour in judicial review proceedings, the Court of Appeal has handed down an important judgment on the same subject: R (on the application of Khan) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2016] EWCA Civ 416. It...

9th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

Welcome to the February 2016 edition of the Free Movement immigration update podcast. In this episode I cover a few policy issues then move on to a huge number of cases, most of which are only going to get a fairly brief mention to alert you to what is going...

5th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

Upper Tribunal Judge Richard Chalkley retires with effect from 1 May 2016. Upper Tribunal Judge Chalkley (67) was admitted as a Solicitor in 1974. He was appointed a part-time Immigration Adjudicator in 1995, part-time Special Immigration Adjudicator in 1996, Immigration Adjudicator in 1999, Legal Member of the Immigration Appeals Tribunal...

5th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

Much has been said by this blog over the years about the cruel effects of the decision in N v UK. Rarely though has the human cost been so clearly displayed than in the ongoing case of Luqman Onikosi. He came to the UK as a healthy young man to...

5th May 2016
BY Paul Erdunast

The High Court has awarded damages of just £3,750 to an Algerian man for a period of five months of unlawful detention. This was just the latest period of immigration detention for Mr Sino, though, who has been detained for a cumulative total of seven years and two months. Mr...

4th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

A consultation on amendments to the practice direction on duty of candour in judicial review proceedings has been launched by the judiciary. The consultation paper has been prepared by Lewis and Cranston JJ. The headline refers to the Defendant’s duty of candour but in fact very little indeed is proposed...

4th May 2016
BY Colin Yeo

Very interesting piece on allowed appeals and quality of decision making by Robert Thomas of the University of Manchester. Particularly interesting given the reduced appeal numbers owing to high appeal fees in employment and now seemingly in immigration. There is also an important debate in relation to the rate of...

3rd May 2016
BY Colin Yeo
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