All Articles: sham marriage

This blog has previously discussed the difficulties that arise from the different definitions of “sham marriage” and “marriage of convenience”. The Upper Tribunal has now returned to this topic in […]

26th January 2022
BY Priya Solanki

The Home Office has rebuffed Public Law Project’s (PLP) latest attempt to find out more about the secret algorithmic criteria used to decide whether a proposed marriage should be investigated […]

21st July 2021
BY Tatiana Kazim

An immigration lawyer has been struck off after being caught on camera four years ago advising an undercover reporter about a sham marriage. The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal made the decision […]

26th June 2019
BY CJ McKinney

Migrants who would not otherwise have the right to live in the UK can acquire that right by getting married to a British national, EU citizen or another migrant who […]

7th January 2019
BY Nath Gbikpi

What is a genuine relationship? This idea of a love marriage is an invention of modernity,. It’s not so long ago that most people would be getting married through other […]

16th May 2018
BY CJ McKinney

Part 4 of the Immigration Act 2014 introduced a referral and investigation scheme for proposed marriages and civil partnerships involving a non-EEA national who could gain an immigration advantage from […]

28th February 2018
BY nathgbikpi

A couple can enter into a “marriage of convenience” even if they are in a genuine relationship. This was, in summary, the finding of the High Court in R (Molina) […]

16th August 2017
BY Nath Gbikpi

The Supreme Court has handed down its judgement in the case of Sadovska and another (Appellants) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Respondent) (Scotland) [2017] UKSC 54. In unanimously […]

26th July 2017
BY nathgbikpi

The Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration has published a new report on the Home Office approach to sham marriages. The report is critical of the change in approach brought […]

21st December 2016
BY Colin Yeo

New Home Office guidance on Marriage Investigations has been published. Formally, it is Chapter 30 of the Enforcement Guidance and Instructions. The purpose of the guidance is stated on page […]

12th August 2016
BY Colin Yeo

UPDATE: Permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal seems to have been granted: Sales LJ grants permission to appeal from UT's recent decision in Bilal Ahmed) (EEA/s 10 appeal […]

14th September 2015
BY Elspeth Guild

On 25 November 2014, Minister for Immigration and Security, James Brokenshire, said: The new Immigration Act enables us to take tougher action to crack down on those who try to cheat […]

16th December 2014
BY Colin Yeo
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