All Articles: Immigration rules

In Buama (inter-country adoption – competent court) Ghana [2012] UKUT 146 (IAC) Upper Tribunal Judge Warr held that there is no basis for the UK Border Agency to go behind a court […]

24th May 2012
BY Free Movement

In the reported case of Sawmynaden (Family visitors – considerations) [2012] UKUT 00161 (IAC) the Upper Tribunal outline a number of factors relevant to the assessment of “genuine visitor”. In […]

22nd May 2012
BY Sanaz Saifolahi

A rare judgment on paragraph 317 of the Immigration Rules, the ‘other dependent relatives’ category, was handed down by the Court of Appeal last month and has so far escaped […]

20th April 2012
BY Free Movement

The Court of Appeal has in the case of Miah v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012] EWCA Civ 261 rejected the idea of there being a free standing […]

14th March 2012
BY Free Movement

As expected, the obscure but important Chapter 53 of the Enforcement Instructions and Guidance (‘Extenuating Circumstances’) has been amended following on from the scrapping of paragraph 395C of the Immigration Rules. The […]

2nd March 2012
BY Free Movement

In a slew of new documents published today the Government has heralded the end of quasi-automatic settlement for skilled foreign workers under Tier 2 of the Points Based System, the […]

29th February 2012
BY Free Movement

A plethora of immigration tweaks were announced yesterday, mainly of a technical nature. There is still no sign of the introduction of a minimum income level nor the ending of […]

14th February 2012
BY Free Movement

Looking at a few recent cases, there seems to be a trend emerging. In the face of over-complex legislation, and poorly-handled applications at the Home Office, the courts are finding alternative […]

3rd December 2011
BY Henry Oliver

The Government’s plan massively to increase the minimum income threshold required to sponsor family members to the UK came one step closer yesterday with the publication of a report by the […]

17th November 2011
BY Free Movement

UPDATE: correct link added for training notes Omotunde (best interests – Zambrano applied – Razgar) Nigeria [2011] UKUT 00247 (IAC) This case has already been mentioned on the blog but […]

11th November 2011
BY Samina Iqbal

As well as formally lowering the spouse visa age back to 18 through a formal change to the Immigration Rules on 28 November 2011 in response to the Quila case, […]

9th November 2011
BY Free Movement

UPDATE: see later post for information on applying for a review if your case has already been refused. The Government has announced today that the spouse visa age will be […]

7th November 2011
BY Free Movement

The Exceptional Talent route attracted a lot of attention and comment when it was announced way back in November 2010. Questions were starting to be asked about what had happened […]

21st July 2011
BY Free Movement

The Government yesterday launched another consultation on restricting immigration, this time family immigration. The splash on the UKBA website is here, the Ministerial statement here, the consultation document here and the […]

14th July 2011
BY Free Movement

The legal luggage carousel of the tribunal’s reporting committee has deposited a large batch of new cases in the arrivals hall of BAILII. Some of these cases are interesting, others […]

30th June 2011
BY Free Movement

I have had to redraft this post, which had been intended to be a good news story about a positive development at the UK Border Agency and which I had […]

6th April 2011
BY Free Movement

There have been a number of interesting announcements by UKBA today, which I will add to the blog once I’ve had time to digest and consider. Most of them surround […]

1st March 2011
BY Free Movement

An important case from late last year has so far escaped comment here on Free Movement but deserves special mention: MH (pending family proceedings – discretionary leave) Morocco [2010] UKUT […]

24th February 2011
BY Free Movement

  Immigration Minister Damian Green has authorised discrimination by visa officers on the basis of nationality. This follows on from a finding last year by John Vine, Chief Inspector of […]

18th February 2011
BY Free Movement

I’ve just been in court doing yet another case where a solicitor has advised a client to do the ‘right’ thing and go abroad to make an application for entry […]

8th February 2011
BY Free Movement

In his report late last year on the entry clearance operation based in Abu Dhabi, the ‘hub’ for processing claims from Pakistan and several Gulf states, the Chief Inspector of […]

24th January 2011
BY Free Movement

A doctor ‘is no longer considered an acceptable professional person’ by the Home Office. The quotation is taken directly from an email from a policy adviser in the UKBA Nationality […]

10th December 2010
BY Free Movement

[UPDATED: to include link to case] I won a case in the Upper Tribunal the other day that I think is worth sharing. Despite, or perhaps because of, the wide(ish) […]

7th December 2010
BY Free Movement

New Immigration Rules have just been laid in Statement of Changes CM 7944. The main change is that the English language requirement for spouses and partners has been introduced, as […]

1st October 2010
BY Free Movement

Practitioners have seen a considerable increase in the number of applications for entry clearance that have been refused on the general grounds for refusal. The reasons are often opaque at […]

29th September 2010
BY Free Movement

Substantial rises are set for most immigration fees on 1 October 2010, on the basis of the laughable justification that UKBA ‘want to ensure that we can offer a good […]

9th September 2010
BY Free Movement

The tribunal has allowed two appeals on the basis that Pankina does not only apply to the three month rule and that all an applicant need do is comply with […]

6th September 2010
BY Free Movement

UKBA has laid Statement of Changes CM7929 to give effect (or, at least, limited effect) to the judgment of the Supreme Court in ZO (Somalia) [2010] UKSC 36. This was […]

23rd August 2010
BY Free Movement

Following Pankina, UKBA laid Statement of Changes HC 382, different parts of which came into effect on 23 July and 12 August 2010. The main changes were to incorporate into […]

23rd August 2010
BY Free Movement

I still use this blog as my own personal note book of developments I might well want to look up later. I’m currently updating and re-writing the HJT Immigration Manual […]

23rd August 2010
BY Free Movement

Anyone with recent experience of applying for settlement may wish to help UKBA by completing a feedback form, available here.

17th August 2010
BY Free Movement

Yet more good news, this time for children and their parents. In LD (Article 8 best interests of child) Zimbabwe [2010] UKUT 278 (IAC) the President of the Immigration and […]

12th August 2010
BY Free Movement

Some tremendously good news for many refugees: in the new case of FH (Post-flight spouses) Iran [2010] UKUT 275 (IAC) the tribunal has found that Article 8 appeals by the […]

11th August 2010
BY Free Movement

The Government has laid a new Statement of Changes (HC 382) that incorporates the parts of the Points Based System policy guidance ruled unlawful in the Pankina and English UK […]

23rd July 2010
BY Free Movement

I’ve been so busy I forgot to post a link to this recent piece on The Guardian’s Comment Is Free site. I have an excuse to mention that now because […]

14th July 2010
BY Free Movement

Firstly, I am well aware that this blog is seriously behind with a lot of the developments that have taken place in the last fortnight. And a lot has happened. I’ve […]

10th July 2010
BY Free Movement

Yet more changes to the rules. Haven’t had a chance to look properly as I am on my way to Liverpool right now but the press release suggests tightening up […]

18th March 2010
BY Free Movement

In the case of MD (Jamaica) & Anor v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2010] EWCA Civ 213 the Court of Appeal has dismissed two appeals against refusals […]

11th March 2010
BY Free Movement

The Lib Dems have tabled an objection to the latest Immigration Rules changes, covered earlier here on the blog. Under the ‘scrutiny-lite’ negative resolution procedure by which the rules become […]

25th February 2010
BY Free Movement

I’ve just come across an interesting little judgment on mandatory refusal cases. It is only a permission decision so it has limited precedent value, but it is worth highlighting. The […]

18th February 2010
BY Free Movement
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