- BY Jasmine Quiller-Doust

How to become an Immigration Advice Authority Level 2 adviser
Table of Contents
ToggleIn this article we look at what registration as an Immigration Advice Authority (formerly the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner or “OISC”) Level 2 adviser really means and how to go about it. We talk you through the Immigration Advice Authority requirements for advancing from Level 1 to Level 2, how you might go about showing that you meet those requirements, the assessments you have to undertake and your ongoing duties after you become accredited at a higher level. This is the second in our series of blog posts on how to become an Immigration Advice Authority adviser.
We make no bones of recommending our own Immigration Advice Authority Level 2 advanced immigration law training, of which we are very proud. We offer live, online, small-group training over a four week period and we also have a self-study option available. We’ll come back to that nearer to the end…
What is the difference between Immigration Advice Authority Levels 1 and 2?
Level 1 immigration advisers can only make applications that rely on a straightforward presentation of facts. They must not be discretionary or concessionary in nature and the applicant must not have an adverse immigration or criminal history which could affect the outcome of their application. In these situations, a Level 1 adviser would need to refer the case to a higher level adviser or solicitor.
You are a Level 1 adviser working at an immigration law firm. You receive a new enquiry from Jamie, a US national. He tells you he is in the UK on a spouse visa. His leave to remain is expiring soon and he wants your help making an application for further leave to remain in the UK. On the face of things, he meets all of the requirements under Appendix FM. You arrange a consultation with Jamie to take full instructions. You ask him to bring in his identification documents along with other evidence to demonstrate he meets the requirements.
When Jamie comes in for the consultation, you check his immigration status and discover that it expired three weeks ago. Jamie had got the dates mixed up and he has become an overstayer.
As a Level 1 adviser, you cannot work on his application because he doesn’t currently have leave. You need to refer his case to a higher level adviser within your organisation. Or, if your organisation is not regulated to provide advice at Immigration Advice Authority Level 2 or above, or the higher level advisers don’t have capacity to take on the case, you will need to signpost him elsewhere.
We will generally be covering the step up from Levels 1 to 2, but we will include some references to Level 3, too. Here’s a recap of the different levels:
Level | Work permitted |
1 | Basic advice within the immigration rules |
2 | The above + more complex casework including applications outside the immigration rules |
3 | The above + appeals |
3+ | The above + judicial review case management |
What can you do at Level 2?
As set out above, at Level 2 you can take on more complex casework, including making applications both under and outside the immigration rules. This could be where the applicant is in the UK without leave, doesn’t meet certain requirements or is requesting Secretary of State bail.
Level 2 advisers will be regulated in either the Immigration or Asylum and Protection category, or both. The category in which you are registered dictates the exact work you are permitted to undertake.
Immigration category
If you apply to register in the Level 2 Immigration category, you must first be registered as an adviser in the Level 1 Immigration category. Though, you don’t need to be registered at Level 2 in order to apply at Level 3. This means Level 1 immigration advisers who have attained the required experience and skills can apply directly for the Level 3 Immigration category.
Work permitted in this category is everything at Level 1 in the Immigration category, as well as:
Guidance on Competence 2021 – Level 2 – Casework
- applications to UKVI, including human rights applications and concessionary or discretionary application
- applications for Humanitarian Protection
- representing clients in correspondence with UKVI and at UKVI interviews
- representations to UKVI in support of cases, including cases where the qualifying criteria may be open to interpretation
- complex applications under Appendix EU, for example applications by person without valid leave at the time of application, late applications where grounds are deemed to be above level 1 (see OISC Guidance note on EUSS Applications), applications made by persons with retained and derivative rights and Surinder Singh applications
- drafting client witness statements
- submitting section 120 Notices
- lodging notices of appeal and statements of additional grounds
- applications to the Secretary of State for bail
- instructing a barrister or a member of the Faculty of Advocates for advice and to advise on drafting appropriate grounds of appeal (where permitted through the BSB Licensed Access Scheme or the Faculty of Advocates Direct Access Scheme).
Asylum and Protection category
If you apply at Level 2 in the Asylum & Protection category, you do not need to be registered at Level 1 in either category beforehand. However, you may be expected to demonstrate that you have some knowledge of the Level 1 Immigration syllabus through training or previous experience. Applying only in the Asylum and Protection category might not be an appropriate course of action if you are applying from a fee-charging organisation.
If however you plan to register in both Level 2 Immigration and Asylum and Protection categories, you will need to first be registered at Level 1 in the Immigration category (having taken the immigration assessment).
Work permitted in this category is everything at Level 1 in the Asylum and Protection category, as well as:
Guidance on Competence 2021 – Level 2 – Casework
- applications to UKVI, including asylum and human rights applications and concessionary or discretionary applications
- fresh claims on human rights grounds
- Case Resolution/Legacy Cases and Active Review
- applications for Humanitarian Protection
- representing clients in correspondence with UKVI and at UKVI interviews
- representations to UKVI in support of cases
- drafting client witness statements, including asylum statements
- submitting section 120 Notices
- lodging notices of appeal and statements of additional grounds
- applications to the Secretary of State for bail
- Family reunion applications
- Settlement (protection route) applications
- instructing a barrister or member of the Faculty of Advocates for advice and to advise on drafting appropriate grounds of appeal (where permitted through the BSB Licensed Access Scheme or the Faculty of Advocates Direct Access Scheme).
Work not permitted at Level 2
Those registered at Level 2 cannot do any substantive appeals work. This includes making representations to or appearing before the tribunal. While you can make applications for Secretary of State bail, you cannot make tribunal bail applications. Finally, you cannot do any judicial review work – not even issuing a pre-action protocol letter.
Applying to raise levels
The process of raising the level of an individual adviser will depend on the status of the organisation they are registered with (or joining).
To raise your own level without raising the level of the organisation (i.e. because the organisation is already at the higher level), the primary contact at the organisation must submit an application to raise the level of an existing adviser. Then you will receive and be required to complete a form, demonstrating your competence (experience and training, etc).
To apply to the immigration category, you must first be registered as a Level 1 Immigration adviser.
To apply directly to Level 2/3 in the Asylum and Protection category without Level 1 registration, the primary contact must submit an application to register a new adviser. You will then receive a form which you must complete and demonstrate competence to work at that level in that category.
To increase the organisation’s service level, the primary contact must submit an application to raise the level of the organisation. Any advisers intending to raise their level as well will receive and be required to complete a raising levels application, demonstrating their competence. Then a fee must be paid (for fee charging organisations only).
These applications are found on the online portal. Practitioners have reported various problems with the portal, which the Immigration Advice Authority are working on fixing.

Fees and registration period
The application fees are as follows:
Number of advisers | Raising levels fee (same for Levels 2 and 3) |
1 to 4 | £1,646 |
5 to 9 | £2,041 |
10+ | £2,698 |
Where an organisation’s application is successful, it will be granted approval at the new level for 12 months. Organisations will be granted approval at the same level (i.e. Level 1) if it’s application is unsuccessful. This will either be for:
- 12 months from the date of decision if applying outside their normal registration period, or
- 12 months from the date that their previous registration period expired
Individual advisers
Individual advisers applying to register at Level 2 will need to show they have sufficient experience, training, knowledge and skills to work at the higher level.
Experience and training
At Level 2 you’re expected to have at least 12 months full-time experience (or the equivalent part-time), and six months of this must be Level 2 work. At Level 3 you’re expected to have at least 18 months full-time experience (or the equivalent part-time), and six months of this must be Level 3 work.
“Experience” can include providing advice and services to clients in the UK or abroad, working for or with the Home Office, charities or other agencies, and in any legal or advice provision capacity.
You should also provide evidence of all your training in UK immigration law and practice in the last five years, and importantly, recent immigration law training to demonstrate up-to-date knowledge. Training should cover each area of immigration law you intend to practice in and must have been taken in the last 12 months. There is no specific number of hours of training that must be completed.
The Immigration Advice Authority say that Level 2 and 3 advisers “would normally be expected” to have a legal qualification of some sort. Appropriate qualifications include having an undergraduate degree in law (LLB) and/or a Master of Laws (LLM), and/or be qualified as a solicitor, barrister or CILEX fellow. It is certainly the case that some Immigration Advice Authority Level 2 advisers do not have such qualifications, though.
The Immigration Advice Authority also suggest in some of their paperwork that training should be undertaken with a “professional training organisation that has been accredited by a Designated Professional Body or a Designated Qualifying Regulator.” The accredited trainer schemes for the various professional bodies were scrapped as long ago as 2014, so this advice is now a bit outdated. We can assure readers that Free Movement training is accepted as relevant and useful by the Immigration Advice Authority, though, who have said this about us (before the name change):
The OISC is familiar with Free Movement and would consider it to be a well established professional training provider. As such, we would accept courses provided by Free Movement as evidence of training undertaken which might be used by applicants in support of an application for OISC registration.
Knowledge and skills
The knowledge and skills you need to have to be able to be registered at Level 2 are significantly greater than at Level 1. This includes the following:
1. Detailed knowledge of immigration and nationality law, including:
- grounds for applications and Fresh Claims
- UKVI concessionary policies
- grounds for lodging appeals including human rights grounds
- procedures for human rights applications, e.g. section 120 Notices
- the immigration rules on general refusal and automatic deportation
- administrative removal, removal directions and deportation orders
- major offences under immigration legislation
- the basis for exclusion of a person from the Refugee convention or Humanitarian Protection
2. A detailed knowledge of relevant rights of appeal, time limits and procedures up to, and including, the lodging of an appeal, and an awareness of relevant rights of appeal, time limits and procedures at the later stages of the appeal process.
3. A working knowledge of relevant case law and precedents, and how to access and use them effectively when making representations on a client’s behalf.
4. A detailed knowledge of the types of evidence needed to support appeals and applications outside the Immigration Rules, how to obtain such evidence and the relative weight to be attached to different types of evidence.
5. An awareness of further remedies such as Judicial Review.
6. A detailed knowledge of the European Convention on Human Rights, the Human Rights Act 1998 and other relevant law such as Section 55 of the Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009.
7. Where an adviser is working on asylum cases, a detailed knowledge of asylum law and procedures, including the 1951 Refugee Convention, its 1967 Protocol and the UNHCR Handbook for determining refugee status.
8. Where an adviser is working on asylum cases, a detailed knowledge of ‘safe third country’ procedures in assessing asylum applications.
9. Where an adviser is working on asylum cases an awareness of permission to work, the availability of welfare support and specific provisions for the processing of asylum claims made by vulnerable people including accompanied and unaccompanied children, mentally incapacitated individuals and victims of trafficking.
10. Where an adviser is working on bail and detention cases, detailed knowledge of the powers of the immigration authorities to grant bail, the procedures for obtaining bail and UKVI’s practice in the consideration of cases, including an awareness of the factors that must be taken into account when detaining an individual for immigration reasons to include the adults at risk guidance published by the Home Office.
11. A clear understanding of the limits of their knowledge and competence, and an understanding and sensitivity as to when a client’s case has to be referred.
Skills and aptitudes:
1. Interviewing and advising
Sufficient verbal, interpersonal and written communication skills to be able to:
- ask relevant questions, employing different techniques to access necessary information
- obtain clear, detailed instructions, statements and case histories
- deal sensitively with vulnerable and/or traumatised clients and be aware of cultural, gender, sexuality and disability issues that may arise in some cases
- give clear, detailed advice based on relevant laws and policies
- explain complex legislation and policies in simple, clear language
- make clear, pertinent and effective oral and written representations to UKVI and other agencies on a client’s behalf.
2. Drafting
The ability to:
- make clear, pertinent and effective written representations in English on behalf of clients, including drafting grounds of appeal
- draft clear, detailed, structured and effective statements in English on behalf of clients
- produce any other necessary documents in English, which are comprehensive and readily comprehensible.
3. Analytical and advocacy skills
The ability to:
- identify the primary and secondary issues presented in a client’s case and the applicable laws or policies
- adequately assess the merits of cases presented
- make clear, cogent oral and written representations in support of cases
- identify and use the most appropriate sources of up-to-date information including case law and other specialised subjects in support of cases
- identify the salient points in an argument and respond to them effectively
- identify the evidence required to support a case and to evaluate the relative weight of the evidence
- represent a client effectively at UKVI interviews
- identify where referral to other professionals may be appropriate and to instruct relevant experts
- where applicable, obtain and effectively challenge reasons for detention, using human rights legislation, where appropriate.
4. Record-keeping and file management
The ability to:
- maintain clear, accurate records of UKVI interviews and legal proceedings
- maintain clear, comprehensive and well organised case files and an organised and accessible file management system
- maintain clear, accurate and comprehensive records of contacts with the client or third parties and of other relevant matters.
After you have submitted your application and the Immigration Advice Authority authorisation team has everything they need from you, you will be put forward for the competence assessment.
Competence assessment
Your assessment will be scheduled for the next available assessment date. So before you send off your application, you should have prepared for it.
You will be tested in one of the categories on the day of the assessment if you are applying for registration in both categories. You will not be informed beforehand which category you will be tested in.
The assessment dates are listed online. Level 2 (and Level 3) assessments are only every three months. It would be advisable to hold off submitting your application if, for example, you have a holiday booked which would conflict with the next scheduled assessment date. The Immigration Advice Authority will only accept requests to postpone your allocated assessment sitting in exceptional circumstances.
Assessment format
The assessment is open book but you cannot use the internet during the assessment. You will have digital access to the resource book which contains the information you need for reference during the exam. It includes Acts of Parliament, secondary legislation and case law. The Immigration Advice Authority assessment questions will be based on the law contained within these documents at the time of writing.
The assessment consists of scenario-based questions and you have two hours and 15 minutes to complete it. There are a mix of short form and long form questions, the long form question usually being to draft a letter of advice to your client.
You will be assessed on your ability to provide the correct advice (i.e. answering the questions by applying the relevant law to the facts) and on your level of written English (spelling and grammar). Do familiarise yourself with the marking scheme before taking the assessment.
How to prepare for the assessment
First, review the syllabus. This will be the Level 2 immigration syllabus, Level 2 asylum syllabus, or both if you intend to qualify into both categories. Make sure you understand the knowledge areas that will be tested and to what extent they will be tested. Check whether you need to have only an “awareness” of a topic, or “detailed knowledge”, or something in between.
The Code of Standards sets the professional standards that all immigration advisers must adhere to. It is therefore very important that you revise them and ensure you are complying with them when drafting your answers in the assessment.
To prepare for any assessment, it is important to practice by doing past papers. The Immigration Advice Authority has a modest collection of these online:
Though be aware that the answers provided in older papers will be based on immigration law at that time – i.e. likely to now be incorrect/outdated.
What happens if you fail?
The pass mark for Level 2 (and Level 3) is 65%. If you fail the assessment, your application will be refused on competence. Unfortunately, there are no refunds and you will not get any feedback. It is therefore crucial that you prepare for your assessment as fully and as thoroughly as possible.
If you fail, that is the end of the road for that application. You can submit a new application, but it must include details of the additional training that you’ve completed. The Immigration Advice Authority will expect to see evidence of “significant further training or gained at least 3-6 months’ additional experience.”
Free Movement’s Immigration Advice Authority Level 2 accreditation courses
Here at Free Movement we offer two options for Level 2 accreditation training. Our courses cover both the immigration and asylum syllabuses. As we said earlier in this blog post, the Immigration Advice Authority recognises Free Movement as a professional training provider and accept courses provided by Free Movement as evidence of training undertaken which might be used by applicants in support of an application for registration with the authority.
Firstly, we offer live, online, small-group tutoring. With a maximum class size of 10, we run a four week advanced immigration law course specifically for Immigration Advice Authority Level 2 accreditation. You can check out dates, pricing and availability here:
Secondly, we also offer a cheaper self-study option using many — but not all — of the same materials as the live course. The self-study option includes over 100 self-test questions, exam tips and more. On completion, members will receive a certificate for 40 CPD points. Check out the syllabus below:
Module 1 | Immigration law | |
Unit 1 | Introduction | |
Unit 2 | Structure and sources of immigration law | |
Unit 3 | Key concepts | |
Module 2 | Entry and stay | |
Unit 1 | Partners of British/settled persons | |
Unit 2 | Other family members of British/settled persons | |
Unit 3 | Dependent family members of migrants | |
Unit 4 | Visitors | |
Unit 5 | EU Settlement Scheme | |
Unit 6 | Business immigration | |
Unit 7 | Students and graduates | |
Unit 8 | Long residence | |
Unit 9 | Module quiz | |
Module 3 | Article 8 in family life and private life applications | |
Unit 1 | Article 8 family life | |
Unit 2 | Article 8 private life | |
Unit 3 | Module quiz | |
Module 4 | Asylum and protection | |
Unit 1 | Refugee law | |
Unit 2 | Lodging an asylum claim | |
Unit 3 | Section 120 One Stop Notice | |
Unit 4 | Admissibility | |
Unit 5 | Substantive interview and evidence | |
Unit 6 | Legal aid, support and change of address | |
Unit 7 | Decision on the claim | |
Unit 8 | Humanitarian protection | |
Unit 9 | Fresh claims | |
Unit 10 | Module quiz | |
Module 5 | Refugee family reunion | |
Unit 1 | How to apply for family reunion | |
Unit 2 | The requirements | |
Unit 3 | Avoiding refusals | |
Unit 4 | Challenging refusals | |
Unit 5 | Funding | |
Unit 6 | Module quiz | |
Module 6 | Article 3 and leave outside the Rules | |
Unit 1 | Discretionary and restricted leave | |
Unit 2 | Compelling and compassionate grounds | |
Unit 3 | Module quiz | |
Module 7 | British nationality law | |
Unit 1 | Introduction to British nationality law | |
Unit 2 | Acquisition by operation of law | |
Unit 3 | Registration | |
Unit 4 | Naturalisation | |
Unit 5 | Losing British nationality | |
Unit 6 | Module quiz | |
Module 8 | Refusals and challenging decisions | |
Unit 1 | The grounds for refusal | |
Unit 2 | Deception | |
Unit 3 | Criminality and character | |
Unit 4 | Other grounds for refusal | |
Unit 5 | Appeals to the First-tier Tribunal | |
Unit 6 | Administrative review | |
Unit 7 | Judicial review | |
Unit 8 | Module quiz | |
Module 9 | Immigration offences and enforcement | |
Unit 1 | Criminal offences committed by migrants | |
Unit 2 | Immigration control offences | |
Unit 3 | Civil penalties | |
Unit 4 | Immigration detention | |
Unit 5 | Immigration bail | |
Unit 6 | Deportation and removal | |
Unit 7 | Module quiz | |
Unit 8 | Feedback form |
Your will have ongoing duties as a Level 2 adviser or organisation, these are summarised below.
The Immigration Advice Authority will regularly audit regulated organisations to ensure they are compliant with the Code of Standards and that their policies and procedures are working effectively. After an audit, the Immigration Advice Authority caseworker will provide feedback on their findings and discuss any issues.
The organisation will be sent a written summary of the findings which will identify any areas of poor practice or breaches of the Code of Standards, along with advice on how to rectify the issues or improve. If there are a number of issues, the caseworker may arrange a follow-up audit.
Where the Immigration Advice Authority is not satisfied that the organisation is in compliance with the Code of Standards and/or their advisers are not fit and competent to provide immigration advice and services, they can cancel the organisation’s registration.
Change of circumstances
If the circumstances of an adviser or regulated organisation change, the Immigration Advice Authority must be notified within ten days. This may include where an adviser has joined the organisation or left the organisation, the organisation has ceased providing immigration advice or services, or the organisation has changed address.
Continued registration
An organisation will normally be granted a registration period of 12 months. Before their registration expires, they can apply to re-register. This is done via the online portal and there is a fee to pay (if a fee charging organisation).
Continuing professional development training
It is important for all immigration lawyers – including immigration advisers, solicitors and barristers – to keep their skills and knowledge up-to-date and be alert to changes and current best practice. Free Movement members can access our collection of training courses, including our Monthly Update courses, all of which provide a CPD certificate on completion. We also provide live webinars and workshops available to both members and non-members, on a wide range of topics.
For specific queries on registering with the Immigration Advice Authority, it’s best to contact the Customer Service Unit directly: info@immigrationadviceauthority.gov.uk.
Immigration Advice Authority Level 1 training
Need help with the Immigration Advice Authority Level 1 exams? Join one of our live intensive small group courses.
Immigration Advice Authority Level 2 training
Taking things to the next level? Our Immigration Advice Authority Level 2 small group course is just what you need.