Author: Ian Robinson

Picture of Ian Robinson

Ian Robinson

Ian is a Partner in Vialto Partner's London office and has worked in immigration since 2002. He works with a large team of solicitors and other experts who can help employers move people to the UK and elsewhere in the world. Ian is on the Board of RAMP, an advisory board member of Justice Together and a trustee with Flex and Talent Beyond Boundaries.

Rishi Sunak’s visit to Delhi for the G20 has prompted more reporting on the UK India free trade agreement, where negotiations have apparently been slowed down by Indian requests for […]

14th September 2023
BY Ian Robinson

This is the Policy Wheel. I was taught about it when working on immigration policy at the Home Office in 2003 and continued to use it until I left in […]

13th October 2021
BY Ian Robinson

I’m a partner at Fragomen and we work in every bit of immigration, other than asylum. That means helping skilled people, entrepreneurs, families and others move to or stay in […]

10th August 2021
BY Ian Robinson
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