Author: Darren Stevenson

Picture of Darren Stevenson

Darren Stevenson

Darren Stevenson is a Legal Director at Wiggin LLP.

Changes made by section 43 of the Nationality and Borders Act 2022 will have a wide-ranging effect on UK maritime sectors and risks some vessels unintentionally incurring illegal working fines. […]

11th October 2023
BY Darren Stevenson

The Home Office has decided not to take forward the recommendations for a new Shortage Occupation List made by the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) in September. This has caused concern […]

16th November 2020
BY Darren Stevenson

The abandonment of an ongoing appeal seems to be a hot topic for the Upper Tribunal recently, with the case of Ammari (EEA appeals – abandonment) [2020] UKUT 124 (IAC) […]

5th May 2020
BY Darren Stevenson

The Upper Tribunal has again considered section 104 of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002. Following on from the case of MSU, which I wrote about here, we have […]

8th April 2020
BY Darren Stevenson

MSU (S.104(4b) notices) Bangladesh [2019] UKUT 412 (IAC) considers section 104 of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002 (as heavily amended), which says that an appeal shall be treated […]

31st January 2020
BY Darren Stevenson

The headnote of Rana (s. 85A; Educational Loans Scheme) Bangladesh [2019] UKUT 396 (IAC) deals with two matters: 1. There was nothing in s 85A of the 2002 Act preventing […]

21st January 2020
BY Darren Stevenson

The UK needs a world class migration system to attract the brightest and the best from across the world… That is why I am so pleased today to be able […]

3rd January 2020
BY Darren Stevenson

I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by. Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt Law is frequently a question of deadlines. Points fixed in […]

23rd October 2019
BY Darren Stevenson

Boris Johnson is the new leader of the Conservative Party, and our next Prime Minister. How might he change the UK government’s policy on immigration? An important question, and when […]

23rd July 2019
BY Darren Stevenson

There is a growing furore about the poor state of our visa application processes, which seem to have hit an all time low. The application systems for getting a visa, […]

2nd May 2019
BY Darren Stevenson
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