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Another legacy cases update
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There are still quite a few people coming across this blog by searching for news about ‘Legacy’ cases. See previous posts on this if you are new to the subject. The news, such as it is, is that status still being granted in a lot of cases, apparently, but now without reasons being given. Previously some cases were coming through allowed with amazingly generous reasons being given (at least by normal Home Office standards).
If you are stuck in the queue and still waiting, some lawyers report that finding out the team and then name of the Home Office caseworker to whom the file has been allocated is the key. This is no mean feat in itself, and will require a certain amount of patience and perseverance on the telephone. With a specific named person to write to, it is then possible to send in representations setting out the reasons why the person should be allowed to stay, how settled he or she is in the UK and so on. A response is then, apparently, forthcoming.
Any comments from people with positive or negative Legacy decisions most welcome, as it would no doubt be useful to others.

14 responses
hie guys
all legacy priority cases will be dealt with by march 2010 .the Hone Office have confirmed. hurray
i am in legacy category, i got hold of my caseworker and have beeen fightin a battle with him for 4 months now at first having to send my file twice and him claiming he never got it then in his own time he asked my legal rep to send it again then within weeks they wrote again asking that i send them my photos so i did and now i wait and have been ponderin whether or not to make even further reps based on RN….. will speak to my rep on Monday.
dear all
I am lecacy category as far as i know from letter received from ukba to my representive saying they cant tell any date when my case will be actionned and if i will write to them again that i will dellay the queue ,Also what i want to know is :i heard a team or casse worker name who deal with a case,how to do to know my case worker or the team worker and what porpose or lead to this contact
ps i am failed assylum of 1999
i would appreciate anyanswers regarding my case
dear Abdel
join uk resident forum they have all the numbers you need to call to find your team and caseworker
good luck
if you notice from my previos post i was pushing th HO so i have now been grantd ILR it was granted on 27/11/08 and i got my passport on 5/12/08 so all i can say is get your caseworkers details and nag them till they give in gud luck all
how can i find out who my case worker is pliz help im zimbabwean claimed assylum in 2006 im just stuck and dont know wat to do pliz help
Ive been waiting two years for a reply. It seems to be taking forever and ive tried that method of writing to them all the time, finding out my team and case worker and asking the MP to write a letter but still waiting…… nothing seems to work, is all i get is a letter stating that i shouldnt write or phone and all cases will be resolved by summer 2011. Im sure so many of us are frustrated and fed up of waiting.
u can check which team is dealing with ur case on the uk border agency site
follow this link
enter your home office reference
soon u will get the name and adress of the team dealing with ur case
it is as easy as that if u don’t find anything they will give u a phone number u can call to check
i hope this is answering ur question
if the link doesn’t work u can access the uk border agency
then go to the “asylum” part under it click on “applications made before march 2007″ and under it u will find ” who is processing my case” then enter ur home office number and hopefully u will get the information u are looking for
i wish u the best of luck
hi i have been here for nearly 11years now.my last aplication was made last year before christmas, but nobody seams to care to take my file out of storage. it took more then eitgh months to find somebody who claim to have my file but no difference was made cos he/she is not tauchin it. I do not know what to do but i can say i feel im goin mad…a fat solicitors just ask for more money which i can not aford cos papers are holdin me back i was ofered a good job but can not take acordin to me status.Thank you.
Dear ,
I am here uk within near 8 years. I am in legacy category. I do nt know where i am standing . I become sandwich of both sides. One side is legacy team and other side i am sympathy of AIT. (Waiting hear date) of the court. Last home office letter through my local MP that plz waite we will inform you on priority for hearing date in the court. But nearone and half years gone waite both sides. no reply. I am dpressed about long waite. how many years more i can waite? plz answer me i am apprrciate you
I can’t help you, I’m afraid, for reasons explained elsewhere on the blog. There is advice on this site about finding a decent immigration lawyer, though.
Hello people i came in the uk in Jan 2000 aged 17.
My assylum application was refused in 2001 and i’ve been battling since witth the home office for the past 10 years and after a high court battle in Jan 2009 the HO accepted my case as fresh claim.
After months of presure in Nov 2009 the Case Resolution Directorate sent me a letter asking me to provide them with: passport photographs,Original Identity documents,and proof of my address within 14 days in receipt of that letter which i did,but since Novemeber 2009 i’ve been waiting auctiously for a good news and i can’t sleep until i get an answer from them.