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On 13 December 2016, the Grand Chamber handed down its much-awaited decision in Paposhvili v Belgium (Applcn No. 41738/10). The decision: (1) clarifies, widens and provides guidance on the circumstances in which an alien suffering from a serious illness can resist removal under art 3 ECHR; and (2) gives rise...

27th December 2016
BY Duran Seddon

The University of Oxford based Migration Observatory has published a new report on young migrants. It reads a little like the introductory sequence to The Six Million Dollar Man. The key points: Migrants tend to be young when they arrive, typically as young adults coming for work or study, or...

24th December 2016
BY Colin Yeo

Following the narrow “yes” vote in the Early Christmas Referendum, Theresa May announced today that the United Kingdom will unilaterally change the date of Christmas in 2017. The Prime Minister stated in a speech at Santa’s Grotto inNicholsons, Maidenhead that “Christmas means Christmas” and that despite a close result she...

24th December 2016
BY Colin Yeo

A new tribunal case on EU deportations. The headnote: Neither a decision to make a deportation order nor a notice of intention to make a deportation order triggers the two year period specified in regulation 24(5) of the EEA Regulations. The two year period begins upon the making of the...

23rd December 2016
BY Colin Yeo

A child can be at risk of persecutory harm contrary to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in circumstances where a comparably placed adult would not be at such a risk. Source: JA (child – risk of persecution : Nigeria) [2016] UKUT 560 (IAC) (24 November 2016)

22nd December 2016
BY Colin Yeo

The Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration has published a new report on the Home Office approach to sham marriages. The report is critical of the change in approach brought about by new powers conferred on officials by the Immigration Act 2014: The inspection found that the initial implementation of...

21st December 2016
BY Colin Yeo

In an interesting development on the validity of proxy marriages, the Home Office has taken the view in a Court of Appeal case that the Upper Tribunal’s approach in Kareem [2014] UKUT 24 is wrong in law. The Court of Appeal has declined to simply overrule Kareem on this basis,...

21st December 2016
BY Colin Yeo

Interesting letter from the Immigration Minister to the Home Affairs Select Committee setting out the Home Office approach to and strategy on the ETS litigation. Source: Written evidence – Letter from Robert Goodwill MP, Minister for Immigration, to the Chair of the Committee, 15 December 2016

20th December 2016
BY Colin Yeo

In a new case on dental age assessments, the tribunal has ordered that a young asylum seeker to undergo a dental x-ray and age assessment. If he refuses, his court case will be struck out. The case also gives general guidance on the correct approach to be followed in similar...

20th December 2016
BY Colin Yeo

The Home Office has reviewed operation of the cruel Immigration Rules for Adult Dependent Relatives such as parents or grandparents introduced in July 2012. They are considered to be meeting their policy objectives and will not be changed, the review has concluded. Senior policy adviser Clive Peckover writes: As the...

15th December 2016
BY Colin Yeo

The Solicitors Regulation Authority has published a new report into the quality of legal service provided to asylum seekers. The full report can be found here. The report is broadly positive: Solicitors and law firms are generally serving asylum seekers well, we have found, although there remains room for improvement....

15th December 2016
BY Colin Yeo

The Supreme Court has given judgment in the case of Mirza v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2016] UKSC 63. The case concerned the effect of section 3C of the Immigration Act 1971 as amended and whether it extends leave where an applicant for leave is found later...

14th December 2016
BY Colin Yeo

Following hot on the heels of the hardline British Future report on the rights of EU nationals in the UK after Brexit, the House of Lords EU Justice Committee has today published a report on the same subject. It is a far more comprehensive and comprehending piece of work and...

14th December 2016
BY Colin Yeo

Nine people are convicted of an immigration fraud linked to English language tests used for student visas. Source: Nine convicted over student visa English test plot – BBC News Meanwhile, Nick Armstrong of Matrix Chambers has been involved in an interesting judicial review case also involving the ETS language testing...

14th December 2016
BY Colin Yeo

Free Movement has reported twice on immigration removal centres (IRCs) blocking access to websites informing detainees of their legal rights. HM Chief Inspector of Prisons criticised Haslar IRC two years ago for having the websites of Bail for Immigration Detainees and Amnesty International blocked. What are "prohibited categories" of websites in...

13th December 2016
BY Paul Erdunast

A hardline report chaired by prominent Leave campaigner Gisela Stewart into the status of EU nationals in the UK has recommended a cut off date for new arrivals from the EU, likely to be April 2017, and a massive registration programme for existing EU residents. EU citizens arriving after the...

12th December 2016
BY Colin Yeo

The Points Based System is notoriously complex and indecipherable. Initially I believe this was simply incompetence on the part of Home Office officials unable to communicate in plain English and ill equipped to design to and then adapt to the constantly shifting requirements of Ministers. My view is that the...

8th December 2016
BY Colin Yeo

  Jean Lambert MEP has published a factsheet on the legal rights of EU nationals currently living in the UK. Written by Colin Yeo, barrister at Garden Court Chambers, it answers several of the most commonly-asked questions in these uncertain times following the vote to leave the European Union (‘Brexit’)....

8th December 2016
BY Colin Yeo

GUIDELINES ON INTERNATIONAL PROTECTION NO. 12: Claims for refugee status related to situations of armed conflict and violence under Article 1A(2) of the 1951 Convention and/or 1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees and the regional refugee definitions UNHCR issues these Guidelines on International Protection pursuant to its mandate,...

5th December 2016
BY Colin Yeo

An employment tribunal held that an employee was fairly dismissed after failing to produce evidence of his right to work in the UK. Interesting, if depressing. Hopefully this will be going up to the Employment Appeal Tribunal, if only so that we can see the law and reasoning behind it...

5th December 2016
BY Colin Yeo

The latest quarterly immigration statistics show that immigration to the UK for the year ended June 2016 was 650,000, the highest level ever recorded. Net migration stood at 335,000, just below the previous high of 2015. An estimated 49,000 more British citizens left the UK than returned from abroad. You can...

2nd December 2016
BY Colin Yeo

The power under the Immigration Act 2016 to certify any human rights appeal, not just deportation appeals, for “remove first, appeal later” treatment came into force today, 1 December 2016. For background see this earlier blog post: New commencement order introduces out of country human rights appeals and more. Guidance...

1st December 2016
BY Colin Yeo

Venerable Form FLR(O) is no more and has been withdrawn with effect from today, 1 December 2016. It has been replaced by two new forms: 1. FLR(HRO) broadly for applications outside the Immigration Rules based on human rights: discretionary leave (DL) if you have previously been granted DL but have...

1st December 2016
BY Colin Yeo

The Bar Standards Board has taken the decision to disbar Tariq Rehman of Kings Court Chambers in Birmingham. You can Google them if you want but I am not linking to them. Mr Rehman is understood to have been involved with other immigration firms in the past and has also...

28th November 2016
BY Colin Yeo

Several new guidance documents on EU law free movement cases have been published by the Home Office over the last few days. They are: EEA family permits: guidance for entry clearance officers. This is an entirely new document aimed at Entry Clearance Officers abroad on how to assess and decide...

28th November 2016
BY Colin Yeo

This is the latest installment in the sorry ETS saga. For background see this series of blog posts. The Home Office actually conceded the appeal before the hearing, but the Court of Appeal gave judgment anyway because of the backlog of cases depending on the outcome. The short version is...

27th November 2016
BY colinyeo

In a surprising but very welcome development, the Government has reversed the 500% increase in fees for immigration appeals which took effect on 10 October 2016. Fees will instead be charged at the old rates and those who have paid the higher fees in the last few weeks will have...

25th November 2016
BY Colin Yeo

Recently, after being introduced to someone, I mentioned that I work on statelessness policy. When faced with the confused look I am growing to recognise when I tell people about my work, I began to explain: some people don’t have citizenship of any country. He (thinking hipster-type ‘citizens of the...

25th November 2016
BY Cynthia Orchard

There has been a massive batch of new guidance and forms issued today. At the time of writing these were the updates so far (updated 25/11/16): Application to extend stay in the UK as a partner: form FLR(M) Form UK Visas and Immigration Updated: 25 November 2016 UK ancestry Guidance...

24th November 2016
BY Colin Yeo

In the cases of Hesham Ali [2016] UKSC 60 and Makhlouf [2016] UKSC 59 the Supreme Court has, finally, given guidance the correct approach to the determination of appeals against deportation decisions. Both the appeals were dismissed and the Home Office prevailed; but that is not the whole story and...

24th November 2016
BY Colin Yeo

There is a new Practice Statement on what tribunal caseworkers (i.e. employed lawyers) can do instead of judges in the First-tier Tribunal Immigration and Asylum Chamber. Some of the functions are definitely ones I would consider to be judicial rather than administrative. I am not sure what has changed since...

23rd November 2016
BY Colin Yeo

Astonishing conduct by a judge: In summary, the Judge (a) engaged in a private conversation with the Appellant’s representative (b) in the absence of the other party’s representative (c) in the precincts of the court room (d) partly out of sight and earshot of the Appellant and his spouse (e)...

23rd November 2016
BY Colin Yeo

There is a major redesign coming soon to Free Movement. You can take a sneak peak at the new design here. It is not finished yet but we are getting close. There are also changes coming to pricing, membership structure and the way the website works to try and improve...

23rd November 2016
BY Colin Yeo

Written by Eleanor BONNER & Beate DASARATHY Following on from the Proving Torture conference in October last year which Free Movement wrote about at the time, Freedom from Torture has released a new report, ‘Proving Torture: Demanding the Impossible,’ which highlights UKVI’s significant failings when it comes to considering medical...

21st November 2016
BY Freedom From Torture

At the beginning of this month the Home Office brought into force new guidance on the suspension of removal directions for pending judicial reviews. There are two crucial changes to the policy: (1) At present, when a judicial review is brought within 3 months of a previous judicial review or...

21st November 2016
BY Lotte Lewis

Really interesting from Migration Observatory on trends in immigration criminal and civil penalty enforcement. It came out a few weeks ago but it has taken me until now to look at it properly (there’s a LOT going on at the moment!). From the key points summary: From 1999 to 2016,...

17th November 2016
BY Colin Yeo
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