Trafficking: Identifying and Assisting Trafficking Survivors (Advanced)

CPD hours: 3

Length of course: 3 hours

About this course

This course was last updated in June 2023.

This online training course on helping survivors of human trafficking covers warning signs, risk factors and identification of possible victims, how the trafficking assistance process (National Referral Mechanism) works, immigration options for victims, children and young people, compensation and housing and support. It incorporates slides on key points from the Anti Trafficking and Labour Exploitation Unit (ATLEU).

The course is only available to paying members of Free Movement. If you are not already a member, you can join here and access not just this course but all of our courses. Membership starts from £24 plus VAT per month, or £240 plus VAT for annual membership, and you can cancel at any time. We also offer corporate and group membership options.

You can check out the course contents below:

Module 1What are trafficking and modern slavery?
Unit 1Introduction 
Unit 2What are trafficking and modern slavery? 
Unit 3Identification of trafficked persons 
Unit 4Working with trafficked persons 
Unit 5The National Referral Mechanism 
Unit 6Ensuring full disclosure from the Home Office 
Unit 7Nationality and Borders Act 2022 
Module 2Immigration status for victims of trafficking and modern slavery
Unit 1Protection claims, victims of human trafficking or slavery leave and residence permits 
Unit 2Domestic workers 
Unit 3EEA nationals 
Unit 4Return 
Unit 5Special considerations in children’s cases 
Module 3Support and redress for victims
Unit 1Legal aid, housing and welfare support 
Unit 2Further resources: accommodation and support 
Unit 3Criminal law 
Unit 4Compensation and redress 
Unit 5Further resources: compensation for victims of trafficking 
Unit 6Useful contacts 
Unit 7Feedback form and quiz 

Modules within this course..

  1. What are trafficking and modern slavery?

    Covering what is trafficking, how to identify victims of trafficking and how the National Referral Mechanism works
  2. Immigration status for victims of trafficking and modern slavery

    The immigration process for victims of modern slavery, EU nationals and domestic workers, protection claims and residence permits and return home.
  3. Support and redress for victims

    Accommodation and support through the NRM, the legal framework, accommodation for asylum seekers, homelessness and local authority support
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