All Articles: Worker

A new report comes with a stark warning: “As the number of sponsored migrant workers rises every quarter, the issue of migrant labour exploitation is only likely to increase”. Work […]

14th November 2023
BY Sonia Lenegan

The Upper Tribunal has held in the case of LS (Article 45 TFEU – derivative rights) [2018] UKUT 426 (IAC) that the family member of a cross border worker within the EU — one who lives […]

18th December 2018
BY Colin Yeo

To acquire EU rights of residence and ultimately permanent residence, a person usually has to engage in certain activities: employment, self employment, study or being self sufficient. There are other […]

13th October 2016
BY Colin Yeo

Two recent cases in the Administrative Appeals Chamber of the Upper Tribunal have clarified when a worker might in EU law retain his or her status as a worker during […]

26th September 2016
BY Colin Yeo

Women who leave work for maternity reasons and return to work afterwards are not to be considered “workers” under European Union free movement law, the UK government argued in the […]

21st October 2015
BY Colin Yeo
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