All Articles: Schengen visas

Before 1 January 2021, British and EU citizens did not require a visa to travel across the Channel on a business trip. This is largely still the case post-Brexit, so we’ve been left with the appearance that nothing has really changed from a legal perspective. But with the end of...

28th March 2022
BY Jack Stokes

In all likelihood, the events of last Thursday mean the UK will be exiting the EU on 31 January 2020 with a deal. This means EU law will remain in place during a transitional period at least until 31 December 2020. After this date, either the transitional period is extended...

18th December 2019
BY Chris Benn

Just weeks from the date that the EU and UK’s divorce is due to take place, the position of UK travellers to the EU remains foggy. The clock is ticking and Prime Minister May is still caught between the EU and her own government, struggling to reach an agreement that...

6th March 2019
BY Shkurta Januzi

Seasoned Brexit watchers will be familiar by now with the trope that there is a “need for a level playing field”. Coined by the EU out of concern that the UK may turn itself into a tax haven, the phrase has now been appropriated by Brexiteers in the government. Cabinet...

21st February 2018
BY joannahunt
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