All Articles: Revocation

Non-EU citizens can potentially have a deportation order against them revoked where they have acquired or could acquire rights as family members of EU nationals. Such opportunities will continue to be relevant to a specific group of people for some years to come. This post will try to unravel this...

30th June 2021
BY Samina Iqbal

Where a person is subject to a deportation order but wishes to remain in the UK, they must apply for the order to be revoked. The case of FH v SSHD [2020] EWHC 1482 considers this process and the applicable rules. The rules on revocation The Secretary of State has...

22nd June 2020
BY Nick Nason

Ovidiu-Mihaita Petrea emigrated from Romania to Greece, ready to build a new life there. However, he made a big mistake: he committed robbery and was sentenced by a Greek criminal court in 2011. The case is C-184/16 Ovidiu-Mihăiţă Petrea v Ypourgos Esoterikon kai Dioikitikis Anasygrotisis. Page contentsExclusion order and returnCJEU decisionWhat does this...

5th October 2017
BY paulerdunast

In SSHD v SU [2017] EWCA Civ 1069 (20 July 2017) the Court of Appeal considered for the first time the unusual case of an individual who had been deported from the UK, returned in breach of the order, and then applied for its revocation having established a private and...

7th August 2017
BY Nick Nason

Page contentsBackgroundImmigration Rules on revocationParagraph 390Paragraph 390AParagraph 391Paragraph 391AParagraph 392Conclusion Background The facts of Secretary of State for the Home Department v ZP (India) [2015] EWCA Civ 1197 involved some of the worst breaches of immigration law ever seen in a reported decision: overstaying a visit visa in 2002 then...

14th December 2015
BY Colin Yeo
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