All Articles: News review

Here’s your round-up of the immigration and asylum stories that made national headlines this week. “De-risking” closes migrant accounts The Guardian‘s business section raises concerns about immigrants’ bank accounts being closed down, with some financial institutions accused of “dumping customers and organisations with links to countries about which they have...

9th February 2018
BY Free Movement

Another bumper week – but then, immigration and asylum are hardly ever out of the headlines these days. EU citizens in immigration detention The number of EEA nationals held in immigration detention has increased sharply in recent years, from 768 in 2009 to 4,701 in 2016, according to figures secured by the...

2nd February 2018
BY Free Movement

Here’s your round-up of the immigration and asylum stories that made national headlines this week. Slavery law enforcement The Guardian has used Freedom of Information requests to establish that seven police forces have laid no charges under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 since it came into force. Section 2 of that Act makes...

26th January 2018
BY Free Movement

This is your weekly digest of immigration and asylum stories that have appeared in major news outlets (as distinct from specialist information, which you’ll always find on Free Movement already). I’ve been posting this on Monday mornings, but am going to try writing it on Fridays instead as I think...

5th January 2018
BY Free Movement

Free Movement’s pick of the past week’s media reporting on immigration and asylum. The successful challenge to Home Office policy on rough sleepers from EU countries got top billing this week (see Sky News, among many others). Similarly widespread is the story of Kelvin Fawaz, the stateless boxing champion at risk...

18th December 2017
BY Free Movement

Free Movement’s pick of the past week’s media reporting on immigration and asylum. Theresa May’s government reached agreement with the European Commission on a first stage Brexit deal, which covers citizens’ rights (charmingly painted by the Telegraph as “the price of freedom”). Brexiteers are already offering interpretations of the deal that are odds...

11th December 2017
BY Free Movement

Free Movement’s pick of the past week’s media reporting on immigration and asylum. You are unlikely to have missed many of this week’s crop of immigration stories. Take Brexit and the Court of Justice. The government has, supposedly, tabled proposals for the Supreme Court to be able to refer high-level...

4th December 2017
BY Free Movement

Free Movement’s pick of the past week’s media reporting on immigration and asylum. Some positive asylum stories in recent days: the value of outsourced asylum accommodation contracts is to double, according to the Guardian. There is an apparently similar attempt to right past wrongs at Brook House immigration removal centre, where operator...

27th November 2017
BY Free Movement

Free Movement’s pick of the past week’s media reporting on immigration and asylum. The economic effects of cutting immigration are in the eye of the beholder, it appears. The same study by PwC was variously reported as “Loss of skilled EU workers threatens UK growth” (Financial Times) and “Migration cut will...

20th November 2017
BY Free Movement

Free Movement’s pick of the past week’s media reporting on immigration and asylum. The government’s technical note on settled status for EU citizens was widely reported, with the right-wing press focusing on proposed criminal record checks (see Daily Mail and Telegraph). The European Parliament isn’t impressed, though, and says that the...

13th November 2017
BY Free Movement

Free Movement’s pick of the past week’s media reporting on immigration and asylum. There has been renewed excitement about the notion of associate EU citizenship for UK nationals after David Davis said that he would “look seriously” at the idea (Sun). Our editor, though, points out that the idea is...

6th November 2017
BY Free Movement

Free Movement’s pick of the past week’s media reporting on immigration and asylum. The Home Office has begun telling EU citizens to get out, writing to a man in immigration detention to suggest “you could avoid becoming destitute by returning to Romania or another EU member state where you could enjoy...

30th October 2017
BY cjmckinney

Free Movement’s pick of the past week’s media reporting on immigration and asylum. Last week saw a flurry of Brexit business. Theresa May wrote an open letter to EU citizens living in the UK in a less than convincing attempt to reassure (Huffington Post). It was sent ahead of a...

23rd October 2017
BY cjmckinney

Free Movement’s pick of the past week’s media reporting on immigration and asylum. The fallout from now-notorious Home Office deportation letters, sent in error to EU citizens over the summer, continued last week as the government agreed to compensate 106 recipients of instructions to leave the country (Daily Mirror). Home...

16th October 2017
BY cjmckinney
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