Webinar Replay: Mastering sponsor licence applications: strategies for success and ongoing compliance

Learn how employers can apply for a licence to sponsor overseas workers to come to the UK to work and how to maintain a licence once it’s granted.

Date of Recording: 1 July 2024
Length: 1 hour

About this webinar

Whether you are advising an established company employing many foreign workers, or a small business preparing to employ their first overseas hire, it’s crucial to understand the rules and regulations set out in the Sponsor Guidance and under various UK legislation. Failing to do so can be severe for businesses and all of their workers.

In this expert-led training webinar, we equip you with actionable advice and practical strategies on how to apply for sponsor licences. We cover key areas including:

  • how to prepare a sponsor licence application
  • addressing common problems encountered by employers
  • proactive measures for maintaining compliance, including insight on compliance visits and conducting mock audits
  • understanding the consequences of compliance failures, from downgrading to suspension and revocation


Joanna Hunt is the Head of Immigration at DAC Beachcroft. She represents businesses and public sector bodies in relation to their immigration needs which includes providing advice on work based visas, sponsor licence compliance, prevention of illegal working and global mobility.


Level: beginner-intermediate

This webinar is aimed at practitioners advising businesses on licence applications and compliance. We also welcome employers and HR staff to join.

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