Webinar Replay: Challenging limbo in the asylum inadmissibility process

This webinar looks at the potential for judicial review challenges for people stuck in the asylum inadmissibility process, including the cohort who received notices of intent prior to the Court of Appeal’s judgment on 29 June 2023.

Date of Recording: 22 May 2024
Length: 1 hour

About this webinar

Prior to the Court of Appeal’s 29 June 2023 judgment, thousands of individuals seeking asylum in the UK received notices of intent informing them that their claims may be considered inadmissible and that they may be removed to Rwanda. It has been reported that over 18,000 of these individuals have since had their asylum claims admitted for consideration in the UK, whilst 5,000 have not. No-one has been removed to Rwanda as of yet, and the feasibility of future removals remains uncertain.

Meanwhile, those issued with notices of intent find themselves in a state of indefinite uncertainty, with some having endured this limbo for months or years already.

This webinar takes a deep dive into the rules and guidance on inadmissibility, offering insights into potential grounds for challenge. We consider the types of evidence that will be necessary and the strategies legal representatives may be able to employ to discontinue inadmissibility action and facilitate their clients’ entry into the asylum system.


Jed Pennington is a public law and human rights specialist at Wilson Solicitors, with a particular focus on judicial reviews and civil actions on behalf of people who experience unlawful treatment in the immigration system. He was involved in the previous round of litigation challenging the Rwanda policy and is acting in judicial review challenges to delays in the inadmissibility process.


Level: advanced

This webinar is aimed asylum and public law practitioners. It will be suitable for solicitors, barristers and OISC level 3 advisers permitted to work in the category of Judicial Review Case Management.

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