Webinar Replay: Fee waivers for people who cannot afford immigration application fees

This webinar provides a simple explanation of the legal framework surrounding fee waivers, as well as looking at the practicalities of making fee waiver applications for entry clearance, leave to remain, and children’s British citizenship applications.

Date of Recording: 13 February 2024
Length: 1 hour

About this webinar

Level: intermediate

Immigration application fees are extremely expensive. Most application fees went up by 20% in October 2023 and the immigration health surcharge increased from £624 to £1,035 per year on 6 February 2024. This means a spouse applying for entry clearance will be facing over £11,000 in fees to get settled. That’s if they’re on a five year route to settlement and have no dependents. And it’s without considering any legal fees or further fee increases over the next five years. More and more people are going to become unable to afford the fees to enter or stay in the UK.

Fortunately, the application fee and immigration health surcharge can be waived in certain circumstances.

In this webinar we provide a simple explanation of the legal framework surrounding fee waivers. We look at the practicalities of making fee waiver applications for entry clearance and leave to remain, as well as in children’s British citizenship applications.


Sonia Lenegan is the Editor at Free Movement. She is an experienced immigration, asylum and public law solicitor and has been practising for over ten years. Sonia was previously Legal Director of the Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association and Legal and Advocacy Director at Rainbow Migration.

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