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Increase to court and tribunal fees from 1 April 2025

The Ministry of Justice has announced increases to court and tribunal fees, to take effect for applications made on or after 1 April 2025. I have pulled out the ones most applicable to immigration and asylum work below, but do check the full list if you are making an application not listed below.

Civil Proceedings Fees Order 2008 

SI Reference IDDescriptionCurrentNew
1.9aFor permission to apply for judicial review£169£174
1.9bOn applying for a request to reconsider at a hearing a decision on permission£424£438
1.9baOn an application for judicial review where fee 1.9(b) has been paid and permission is granted at a hearing£385£436
1.9cPermission to proceed with judicial review if started with application for permission to apply for JR£847£874
1.9dPermission to proceed with judicial review where started other than with permission to apply for JR£169£174
2.2Appellant’s/respondent’s notice (High Court)£285£294
2.3aAppellant’s/respondent’s notice (County court small claims)£142£147
2.3bAppellant’s/respondent’s notice (County court other claims)£166£171
3.1aFiling an appellant’s/respondent’s notice in the Court of Appeal where permission to appeal/extension of time is applied for£626£646
13.1bFiling an appellant’s/respondent’s notice in the Court of Appeal where permission to appeal is not required or has been granted£1,421£1,466
13.1cCourt of Appeal – Appellant/respondent filing an appeal questionnaire£1,421£1,466
13.2Court of Appeal – On filing a respondent’s notice£569£587
13.3Court of Appeal – On filing an application notice£626£646

Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) (Judicial Review) (England and Wales) Fees Order 2011

SI Reference IDDescriptionCurrentNew
1.1Permission to apply for Judicial Review£169£174
1.1aJudicial Review – Oral renewal£424£438
1.2aProceed with Judicial Review – permission granted at oral hearing£385£436
1.2bProceeding with Judicial Review after permission granted£847£874
1.3Permission for Judicial Review – permission to proceed where proceedings started otherwise than by application for permission£169£174
2.1Judicial Review General Application – On notice (where no other fee is specified)£281£290
2.2Judicial Review General Application – By consent or without notice (where no other fee is specified)£110£114
2.3Judicial Review – Application for a summons or order for a witness to attend the Tribunal£55£57

The changes are subject to parliamentary approval but there is no reason that will not be given, so practitioners should plan accordingly.

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Picture of Sonia Lenegan

Sonia Lenegan

Sonia Lenegan is an experienced immigration, asylum and public law solicitor. She has been practising for over ten years and was previously legal director at the Immigration Law Practitioners' Association and legal and policy director at Rainbow Migration. Sonia is the Editor of Free Movement.


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