Representing Children in the Immigration Tribunal (Intermediate)

CPD hours: 2

Length of course: 2 hours

About this course

This course was last updated in October 2024.

Representing children is easy to do badly, with potentially disastrous consequences. This course explores best practice and novel ways of working with and providing advocacy for children. It includes sections relating to achieving best evidence, preparing for hearings and what to expect at hearings, all with regard to the child’s best interests and wellbeing.

The course is only available to paying members of Free Movement. If you are not already a member, you can join here and access not just this course but all of our courses. Membership starts from £24 plus VAT per month, or £240 plus VAT for annual membership, and you can cancel at any time. We also offer corporate and group membership options.

You can check out the course contents below:

Module 1Introduction to working with children
Unit 1Introduction 
Unit 2Available guidance 
Module 2Deciding whether to call the child
Unit 1Whether or not to call a child 
Unit 2Right of the child to be heard 
Unit 3Special considerations for a child’s circumstances 
Unit 4Unaccompanied asylum-seeking children 
Unit 5Separate representation 
Module 3Preparing for the hearing
Unit 1Special measures and other evidence 
Unit 2Preparing for the hearing 
Unit 3Material for the judge 
Unit 4Preparing the child 
Module 4Representation at a hearing
Unit 1Before the hearing starts 
Unit 2Considerations in court 
Unit 3Monitoring cross-examinations 
Unit 4Conclusions 
Unit 5Representing children final quiz 
Unit 6Feedback form 

Modules within this course..

  1. Introduction to working with children

    This module looks at some general issues relating to the representation of a child such as building a good relationship, managing and meeting the child's expectations, communication, questioning techniques and sources of further guidance and reading.
  2. Deciding whether to call the child

    This module looks at some of the issues a representative should consider as to whether or not a child should be present or give live evidence in court at all.
  3. Preparing for the hearing

    This module concerns some of the considerations that should be made when preparing children for court, such as balancing the need to protect the child with the need to secure a good outcome for the child and being conscious of the potential damage caused by disbelief and cross-examination.
  4. Representation at a hearing

    This module details some of the measures which may be adopted where a child is present in court, the necessity of taking all required steps before the hearing, ensuring the court staff and judge are prepared and specific provisions for the child's protection. This is followed by the final quiz and a feedback form.
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