Age Assessments (Intermediate)

CPD hours: 2

Length of course: 2 hours

About this course

This course was published in August 2024.

A child born in the UK will be issued with a birth certificate. This can be used as decisive proof of their date of birth and age. This is not always the case for children born outside the UK. They may have no identity documents. Even when they are in possession of a birth certificate, this may not be accepted as genuine and reliable. How, then, is their age determined?

The answer is: by carrying out an age assessment.

In this course we cover the purpose of age assessments, how they are carried out and how the outcome of an assessment can be challenged.

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You can check out the course contents below.

Modules within this course..

  1. How age assessments are made

    In this module we discuss how age assessments are carried out. We consider the "Merton Guidelines" from the landmark case of R(B) v Merton London Borough Council [2003] EWHC 1689 (Admin), along with the process the Home Office are required to follow and the changes introduced by the Nationality and Borders Act 2022.

  2. Challenging age assessments

    In this module we look at the process for challenging the outcome of an age assessment in both England/Wales and in Scotland. The final unit covers interim accommodation.

  3. Final quiz and feedback form

    In this final module, you can test what you have learnt in our Age Assessments quiz. As ever, we are grateful for any feedback you have - please complete the form in the final unit.

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