Author: Sanaz Saifolahi

Picture of Sanaz Saifolahi

Sanaz Saifolahi

Sanaz Saifolahi is a barrister at Goldsmith Chambers. She is well regarded for her thorough case preparation, effective advocacy and personable nature. Sanaz is also an assessor for the Law Society ‘Immigration Law Advanced’ Accreditation Scheme.

Following the Supreme Court decisions in the cases of Munir and Alvi, as reported on this blog yesterday, the UK Border Agency has acted suspiciouslyextremely quickly: see the Statement of Changes CM 8423 dated 19 July 2012, to come into force on 20 July 2012. All 296 pages of it....

19th July 2012
BY Sanaz Saifolahi

In the reported case of Sawmynaden (Family visitors – considerations) [2012] UKUT 00161 (IAC) the Upper Tribunal outline a number of factors relevant to the assessment of “genuine visitor”. In Sawmynaden, the appellant had travelled to the UK on a number of occasions since 2001 in order to visit her...

22nd May 2012
BY Sanaz Saifolahi

The Vice President of the Upper Tribunal has recently provided guidance applicable to cases where a party is alleging misconduct by a Judge. In the recently reported case of Azia (proof of misconduct by judge) [2012] UKUT 00096 (IAC) the official head note states: A party alleging misconduct by a...

24th April 2012
BY Sanaz Saifolahi

Further guidance has been reported which is applicable to deportation appeals raising Article 8. In Masih (deportation – public interest – basic principles) Pakistan [2012] UKUT 00046 (IAC) the official head note reads as follows: The following basic principles can be derived from the present case law concerning the issue...

27th February 2012
BY Sanaz Saifolahi

The Upper Tribunal haven’t hung around in turning their attention to the recent case of Sapkota v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2011] EWCA Civ 1320, which was only reported here on the blog three weeks ago. They have also reviewed the authorities leading up to Sapkota and...

21st December 2011
BY Sanaz Saifolahi
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