Author: Ripon Akther

Picture of Ripon Akther

Ripon Akther

Legacy case WINS!

Following on from Hakemi, the High Court has again scrutinised the leave to remain under the “Legacy” cases, and found the SSHD’s adherence to the

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New Legacy judgment

In a spate of very significant judgments last week, the long awaited legacy case has finally come out: Hakemi v Secretary of State for the

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The Administrative Court declared that a policy which does not give effect to section 55 of the Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009 is not lawful. The excellent Amanda Weston of Tooks Chambers for the Claimants and Joanne Rothwell of No 5 Chambers for the intervener, Coram Children’s Legal Centre...

18th June 2013
BY Ripon Akther

Carrying on from FM’s open season article last week, it is clear that immigration lawyers are getting a hard time of it at the moment: first it was judge bashing and now the lawyers are in the firing line. The pernicious pastime of naming and shaming the legal profession needs...

28th November 2012
BY Ripon Akther

Following on from Hakemi, the High Court has again scrutinised the leave to remain under the “Legacy” cases, and found the SSHD’s adherence to the policy wanting. In a welcome move last Friday Mr Stephen Morris QC, sitting as Deputy High Court Judge, quashed as unlawful the decision to refuse...

6th November 2012
BY Ripon Akther

In a spate of very significant judgments last week, the long awaited legacy case has finally come out: Hakemi v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2012] EWHC 1967 (Admin). Nicola Braganza was led by Hugh Southey QC, both of Tooks Chambers. As many suspected we are still in...

23rd July 2012
BY Ripon Akther

Is it a bird, is it a plane or…is it in fact a policy? Now the UKBA would vigorously deny this, they would deny that there is any kind of amnesty at all. However, the evidence would point to the contrary. Essentially prior to July 2011 if you had claimed...

19th June 2012
BY Ripon Akther
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