Author: Eleri Griffiths

Picture of Eleri Griffiths

Eleri Griffiths

Eleri Griffiths is a barrister at One Pump Court. She specialises in immigration and housing law and acts in cases across the spectrum of both fields in private and public law matters.

The latest episode of the Home Office’s dispute with rough sleeping migrants is here with the publication of the policy guidance for applying the “rough sleeping rule”. This article discusses some key points from both a housing and immigration perspective for those involved in either field. The Grounds for refusal...

26th April 2021
BY Eleri Griffiths

In Bikanu (s.11 TCEA; s.117C NIAA; para. 399D) [2021] UKUT 34 (IAC), the Upper Tribunal has confirmed that paragraph 399D of the Immigration Rules has no relevance to the human rights exceptions to deportation set out in section 117C(4)-(6) of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002. President Lane and...

16th February 2021
BY Eleri Griffiths
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