Author: Cryton Chikoko

Picture of Cryton Chikoko

Cryton Chikoko

Cryton Chikoko is a Migrant Voice Ambassador and co-founder of Equanicity, a platform advocating for equality in the UK.

In response to growing pressure, the government announced on Monday that no immigration status checks will be carried out for migrants getting the coronavirus vaccination. While Downing Street’s press release focused on the lack of status checks, further action is required to gain the trust of those whose lives have...

11th February 2021
BY Cryton Chikoko

In a bid to slow the surge in COVID-19 cases, Prime Minister Boris Johnson last night set out new restrictions in England which range from the wearing of masks by shop workers to limits on the number of people attending weddings. These measures come hard on the heels of a...

23rd September 2020
BY Cryton Chikoko

A recent report on the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) people in Wales has urged the Welsh government to lobby the UK government to reduce visa costs, especially for those whose income is too low to sponsor their spouses or children. What is the...

30th June 2020
BY Cryton Chikoko
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