Author: Alasdair Mackenzie

Picture of Alasdair Mackenzie

Alasdair Mackenzie

Alasdair is a barrister at Doughty Street Chambers, where he specialises in immigration and asylum law, particularly involving complex issues such as mental health and exclusion from refugee status. Before coming to the Bar, he was among the founders of the charity Asylum Aid, of which he was Co-ordinator from 1990 to 2002.

Priti Patel has Been Very Clear that the problems in the asylum system are other people’s fault (including me and my “activist lawyer” colleagues) and that her Package Of New Measures will sort them out. But what do the government’s own experts think? Well, yesterday the Independent Chief Inspector of...

19th November 2021
BY Alasdair Mackenzie

Imagine that you are – for the sake of argument – involved in a democracy movement in a post-Soviet dictatorship. Recently the police picked you up, beat the hell out of you and assaulted you in ways you’d rather not dwell on. Then they booted you out of the police...

6th July 2021
BY Alasdair Mackenzie
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