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Quick alerter post, to be amended later: judgment in R (on the application of Daley-Murdock) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2011] EWCA Civ 161 is now available on BAILII […]

23rd February 2011
BY Free Movement

There have been several quite distraught sounding commenters on my previous piece on the outcome of the Quila case, which is understandably causing confusion. I thought it might be useful to […]

23rd February 2011
BY Free Movement

  Immigration Minister Damian Green has authorised discrimination by visa officers on the basis of nationality. This follows on from a finding last year by John Vine, Chief Inspector of […]

18th February 2011
BY Free Movement

After a grand total of 50 votes, 74% of which were in favour of the new look, the new look is duly adopted. The four of you who hate the […]

13th February 2011
BY Free Movement

There are many illegal immigrants who have come forward to the Home Office, made themselves known, made an application to remain in the UK and then been refused and politely […]

11th February 2011
BY Colin Yeo

As you may be aware, the deadline for responding within the Legal Aid Proposed Cuts consultation is imminent i.e. 12pm 14.02.2011. If you have not done so already, may I […]

10th February 2011
BY Free Movement

As some may have noticed, I’ve made a few minor changes to the blog in the last few days. I’ve added new pages about instructing the barristers here at Renaissance […]

8th February 2011
BY Free Movement

I’ve just been in court doing yet another case where a solicitor has advised a client to do the ‘right’ thing and go abroad to make an application for entry […]

8th February 2011
BY Free Movement

In what to me is a shocking development, we learn through the case of R (on the application of AO) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2011] EWHC 110 […]

7th February 2011
BY Free Movement

The host of the UK Human Rights Blog, 1 Crown Office Row, is a chambers that claims “23 Attorney-General’s Panel counsel in 2010”. Sadly, the 2nd February article Analysis: Children’s […]

4th February 2011
BY Syd Bolton

The Supreme Court has today handed down judgment in a major case on the best interests of children generally and the best interests of British Citizen children specifically. ZH (Tanzania) […]

1st February 2011
BY Free Movement

There have been a few quite interesting tribunal determinations recently, which I have overlooked for various reasons. I thought it was high time for a catch up, otherwise I’ll never […]

26th January 2011
BY Free Movement

In his report late last year on the entry clearance operation based in Abu Dhabi, the ‘hub’ for processing claims from Pakistan and several Gulf states, the Chief Inspector of […]

24th January 2011
BY Free Movement

The European Court of Human Rights has just held that it is unlawful to send asylum seekers to Greece under what is widely known as the ‘Dublin II’ Regulation for […]

21st January 2011
BY Free Movement

I gave a short presentation this morning to John Vine, the Chief Inspector of UKBA. I thought I’d share it with you. It lacks a certain something without my narration, […]

18th January 2011
BY Free Movement

The routine detention of immigrant children by the last Government was a disgrace. Claimed changes to detention policy by the current incumbents and the recent case of R (on the […]

14th January 2011
BY Free Movement

With New Year Celebrations follow the dreaded New Year Resolutions, well for most of us anyway… And so this year, it is my task today to remind and urge as […]

12th January 2011
BY Free Movement

Happy New Year to you all. May 2011 usher in a new era of sanity in UK immigration law and practice… WordPress, through whom this blog is hosted, have been […]

4th January 2011
BY Free Movement

Although not quite on the scale of Wikileaks, Free Movement can today publish a confidential leaked document from the UK Government. It is entirely in keeping with the traditional Home […]

24th December 2010
BY Free Movement

Many thanks to David Chirico for showing me this case (who I understand was in turn tipped off by Muhunthan Paramesvaran at Wilson and Co), and to Seema Farazi (of […]

23rd December 2010
BY Free Movement

I’m a bit behind the times at the moment for all sorts of reasons (giving up blog, lots happening in immigration law, having first baby) and this is one of […]

22nd December 2010
BY Free Movement

The Court of Appeal has declared unlawful the application of the increased spouse visa age to the appellants in the Quila appeal. The judgment is available now: Quila & Anor v […]

21st December 2010
BY Free Movement

Quick post to flag up a piece over on the HJT Training blog which may be of interest to Free Movement readers. It concerns a case where the High Court […]

21st December 2010
BY Free Movement

There have been two big developments in the last week or so: the ‘ending’ of child detention and the successful challenge to the temporary mad cap (as I link to […]

21st December 2010
BY Free Movement

I thought I’d start putting together a list of the myriad ways in which the Home Office wastes money (mainly public funds, also private sometimes) in the small world of […]

20th December 2010
BY Colin Yeo

I have struggled to write anything that would do justice to the late David Burgess, who died a few weeks ago. I cannot let his death pass without acknowledgement on […]

15th December 2010
BY Free Movement

Welcome to the first post on Free Movement not by freemovement! Several of us in the immigration team at Renaissance Chambers will be contributing posts to this blog in future, and […]

10th December 2010
BY Shivani Jegarajah

A doctor ‘is no longer considered an acceptable professional person’ by the Home Office. The quotation is taken directly from an email from a policy adviser in the UKBA Nationality […]

10th December 2010
BY Free Movement

[UPDATED: to include link to case] I won a case in the Upper Tribunal the other day that I think is worth sharing. Despite, or perhaps because of, the wide(ish) […]

7th December 2010
BY Free Movement

It is a shame to come back on a sour note, but it is difficult not to be cheerful about the ruin of Phil Woolas, ex Immigration Minister. He has […]

5th December 2010
BY Free Movement

I have decided that I will revive Free Movement in some shape or form in the near future, although not quite yet. There is just too much going on at […]

20th November 2010
BY Free Movement

I have taken the surprisingly easy decision to wind down Free Movement. For reasons that continue to escape me and which have never been explained by John O, formerly of […]

4th October 2010
BY Free Movement

New Immigration Rules have just been laid in Statement of Changes CM 7944. The main change is that the English language requirement for spouses and partners has been introduced, as […]

1st October 2010
BY Free Movement

As recently as 14 September 2010 the Government’s position was that it is not enforcing returns to Zimbabwe. In a debate in the Commons on that day the following question […]

29th September 2010
BY Free Movement

Practitioners have seen a considerable increase in the number of applications for entry clearance that have been refused on the general grounds for refusal. The reasons are often opaque at […]

29th September 2010
BY Free Movement

UKBA has published a new fact finding report on the situation in Zimbabwe. It is, probably not by co-incidence, just in time for the new test case on Zimbabwe, due […]

28th September 2010
BY Free Movement

The methods and reports of controversial linguistic analysis company Sprakab, based in Sweden and used by UKBA in disputed nationality asylum cases, have been warmly endorsed by the tribunal in […]

27th September 2010
BY Free Movement

The tribunal has held that it is safe to return to Iraq. In HM and Others (Article 15(c)) Iraq CG [2010] UKUT 331 (IAC) President Blake finds that The degree […]

23rd September 2010
BY Free Movement

The Government has confirmed that removals to Greece under the Dublin II Regulation have been suspended pending the outcome of the test case. This comes following a number of recent […]

22nd September 2010
BY Free Movement

UKBA has published a new policy on dealing with children, specifically asylum applications by unaccompanied children. It went ‘live’ on 1 September 2010 and can be found with the earlier […]

14th September 2010
BY Free Movement
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