- BY Sonia Lenegan

Postgraduate dissertation competition for the Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law
The Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law (with Bloomsbury Professional and the Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association) is holding a postgraduate dissertation competition:
Calling all recently completed postgraduate students! You are invited to enter the annual postgraduate dissertation competition organised by the Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law. JIANL, the only UK-based peer reviewed journal dedicated to immigration law, is the official journal of the Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association. The competition is an opportunity for upcoming authors to gain early recognition from experts in this specialised and dynamic field of law. We have already published several articles written by previous prizewinners.
Submitted dissertations may be on any subject related to immigration, nationality or asylum law and may include international, comparative or socio-legal perspectives. The dissertation must be written in English, submitted as part of a Master’s programme and have passed through the assessment processes of a higher education institution in the UK or elsewhere in the past twelve months. We would normally expect a Distinction or equivalent to have been awarded.
Initial selection will be done on the basis of abstracts (up to 300 words) with a short supporting letter or email (maximum 200 words) from the dissertation supervisor or another academic who is familiar with the work. A number of candidates will then be invited to submit the entire dissertation (up to 15,000 words maximum, including footnotes) for consideration.
The authors of the best dissertations will be invited to adapt their work, with support from the editorial team, for publication in the Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law as an article with a maximum length of 11,000 words, including footnotes. The author of the top scoring dissertation will also receive their choice of books published by Bloomsbury Professional or Hart up to a value of £150 and the runner up will receive books worth up to £75.
Please submit your entries by Monday 2 December 2024 to the editor, Alan Desmond at alan.desmond@leicester.ac.uk.